Was speaking to a couple of police officers about this yesterday as I'd been telling them about my IOM trip and how it is nice that an NSL sign truly means have fun and its legal, which brought up the 20mph topic and in short they both said it is an absolute joke and they totally disagree with it, told me how they were in Wales last weekend on bikes and it is total stupidity and they do not support it at all.
They both seemed to think it may also impact one of Wales biggest incomes, tourist which is a negative. They were eying up the McLaren and I said yeah at 30mph it will be in 5th gear pulling along on tick over, whereas at 20mph its just not geared or designed for that, as such pollution and noise levels will all increase from cars been in lower gears, making more noise, consuming more petrol and emitting more emissions.
20 for heavily built up areas and schools which I believe is and was generally already the case, the blanket 20mph is just stupidity, any I come across I will just go with the flow of traffic whether that be 20 or 30. I never speed in 30 or 40 zones anyway and whenever I've come across a 20 before I always slow towards 20mph as it was 20 for good reason, usually a school etc.
Also a blanket 20 I can see more cyclist accident occurring as they will be overtaking cars and the quality of drivers and use of their mirrors nowadays is at an all time low so can forsee more cyclist V car accidents, hopefully it gets rejected.