29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

26 Dec 2003
Because everyone knows deep down (even if they won't admit it) that a country that can't enforce its own borders eventually gets taken over by a foreign power. This happened in Roman times when they couldn't keep the barbarians out, happened to Native American nations and happened most recently in the Balkans.

The EU is our borders now and we've already been taken over by them.

We all belong to an EU superstate now and none of the mainstream parties want out of it, they've all conspired to get us into it.

As the transition takes place richer economies will get poorer and poorer economies will get richer, until they meet in the middle.
3 Jul 2008
My fabulous ship
So your angle on opening borders with countries that have vastly differing economies is "Don't insult my girlfriend!"?

my angle is you hear "romanians are coming" and quickly judge them all.

and to those complaining about them coming for the benefits, I think you are living in 2004. I think you'll find the poor people are currently complaining about the benefits packages at the moment :p that's half the people on this forum if you go by the amount of complaints there have been here.

Some people just want to complain so they are complaining :p
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
my angle is you hear "romanians are coming" and quickly judge them all.

and to those complaining about them coming for the benefits, I think you are living in 2004. I think you'll find the poor people are currently complaining about the benefits packages at the moment :p that's half the people on this forum if you go by the amount of complaints there have been here.

Some people just want to complain so they are complaining :p

Well to be fair your gf is an exception to the rule, most of the Romanians i have come across are exactly what the DM portrays them plus majority of their young women here in London are prossies, being exploited by their elders;).

I have no problem with them if they come here and work hard rather than rely on state handouts.
19 Oct 2007
Or increase crime rate... po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

Maybe, but from my experience this happens already, and for the wrong reasons, people on the dole seem to have a sense of self entitlement and an anti-rich mentality (read; anti-hard working rich person mentality) so they steal just so said person can't have it instead of because they need it...

There is a limited pool of jobs and practically unlimited supply of labour which you wouldn't have a problem with...until you actually had to find a new job for whatever reason.

OK I must admit, I own a business so I will never be in that situation, it seems a pretty good fact though that skilled foreign workers do so much harder than their British born counterparts, therefore it is better for me in my situation too.

There are jobs out there it is just a case of like someone said earlier, people will refuse to work as a binman etc.

It doesn't help that, going back all the way to 20 years ago, some jobs pay less than benefits do therefore it is financially a poorer idea to go to work than go on the dole in some cases. You would have thought the government would have realised this by now but no!

A friend of mine works full time, 12 hour care shifts, she just had a baby with her BF and was told she is eligible to recieve all-sorts of benefits, adding it up it's like this for her;
12 hour shift x 5 per week, after tax < what she could claim, paying 0 tax, whilst doing nothing. Plus there is all of the "perks" of being on the dole, free dental care, free education courses etc etc.
22 Nov 2005
it seems a pretty good fact though that skilled foreign workers do so much harder than their British born counterparts,
A so called "fact" always shouted about by business owners and politicians :D

as you admit your self you are one, you want the cheap labour, you want to keep the minimum wage from rising and you want to take advantage of the poor by keeping them poor rather than paying a living wage.

you know something is wrong when in certain circumstances it is better off to be on the dole and it's not because the dole is so generous.

do the maths and see what lifestyle you could afford on benefits, unless you have tons of kids you won't be getting no 40+ inch tv
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15 Jul 2010
A so called "fact" always shouted about by business owners and politicians :D

as you admit your self you are, one you want the cheap labour, you want to keep the minimum wage from rising and you want to take advantage of the poor.

I know, I always find it hilarious when the ignorant masses daily mail readers blame these immigrants for coming over and the EU when it's all a very well controlled scheme run by corporations and politicians to get cheap labour in the UK, create a ultra competitive job market in order to bring wages and benefits down.
22 Nov 2005
I know, I always find it hilarious when the ignorant masses daily mail readers blame these immigrants for coming over and the EU when it's all a very well controlled scheme run by corporations and politicians to get cheap labour in the UK, create a ultra competitive job market in order to bring wages and benefits down.

our government mastered cloak and shadow back in the 90s if not earlier.
19 Oct 2007
A so called "fact" always shouted about by business owners and politicians :D

as you admit your self you are one, you want the cheap labour, you want to keep the minimum wage from rising and you want to take advantage of the poor by keeping them poor rather than paying a living wage.

That's not what I want. What I want is to pay someone to do a job and have them actually do it properly!

And the sad fact is that more immigrants have a better mindset when it comes to actually working than British born people do!
22 Nov 2005
so what is the unemployment rate as a percentage in the uk compared to romania and bulgaria ? going off your fact I'm assuming it's far lower because they are all such good workers and so efficient their own economy must be booming.

also why do the majority of them seem to only care about the benefits and not the job opportunities ? I mean they are such hard workers they must want to work right? surely it is an insult to offer them benefits
15 Jul 2010
I think most benefits should be cut and not available to immigrants.

It's disgusting that someone on benefits can get more money then someone working a minimum wage job, what incentive is there for people to progress and work?



18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
The EU is our borders now and we've already been taken over by them.

We all belong to an EU superstate now and none of the mainstream parties want out of it, they've all conspired to get us into it.

As the transition takes place richer economies will get poorer and poorer .

This is factually incorrect. UK and by extension Ireland is the only country that refused Schengen treaty and has full internal control over its borders. Whoever is let into the country is entirely up to UK Border Agency.

2005-13 new member state immigration was solely decided upon by British government as well. Most of EU27 countries did not offer work and residence privileges to new members until end of this year. Britain govs decided, for themselves, that they want workers from Poland, Czech, Slovakia etc in.

What alternative do you propose instead of being in "EU superstate"? To trade with EU you need to obey the laws of EU. At the moment UK is Outer Seven member with veto rights. If Britain is out, in the best scenario it will be just like Norway - must obey by the laws but cannot decide or refuse any of them. Worst case scenario it will be like Albania, if the rest of EU attempts to make an example of what happens if a country decide to bail out.

In any case - then what? You think Britain will close borders? When was it last time the borders were closed? Borders were completely open before WWII, after WWII it's one massive wave of WWII survivors and then wave after wave of Irish, Jamaicans, Cypriots, Germans, Somalis, Greeks, Maroccans, Nigerians, Kenyans, Indians, Pakistanis, Blangladeshi and other Commonwealth nations. Statistically at least one person in ten in this thread is foreign born and one in five is direct descendant of one. What is that mythical time when the "borders were closed" and "no foreigners were around" everyone is raving about? In celtic times?
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5 Mar 2009
That's not what I want. What I want is to pay someone to do a job and have them actually do it properly!

And the sad fact is that more immigrants have a better mindset when it comes to actually working than British born people do!

We have a fully British work force. Whenever we have employed immigrants to do anything skilled they haven't had a clue. Yes they turn up on time and work hard, but then so do the British staff. Generally the migrant population tend to only be of benefit in menial jobs requiring no real skills, imo.
7 Nov 2003
my angle is you hear "romanians are coming" and quickly judge them all.

Actually, my angle is I'm judging the ones that I can hear shouting in the street right now. One of several families that have recently descended on the area I live in. The ones that constantly litter, spit, play loud music and generally act like anti-social ***** who don't speak a word of English (or pretend not to) when you try and be sociable with them.

It's all well and good having cheap point scoring arguments on internet forums, but seeing what has happened to the area I live in the last 12 months has really changed my stance the on the unchecked immigration of non-working, unskilled, non-English speakers.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Actually, my angle is I'm judging the ones that I can hear shouting in the street right now. One of several families that have recently descended on the area I live in. The ones that constantly litter, spit, play loud music and generally act like anti-social ***** who don't speak a word of English (or pretend not to) when you try and be sociable with them.

It's all well and good having cheap point scoring arguments on internet forums, but seeing what has happened to the area I live in the last 12 months has really changed my stance the on the unchecked immigration of non-working, unskilled, non-English speakers.
Don't forget, a lot of people who say its not an issue don't live in the same areas as the immigrants...
22 Nov 2005
Don't forget, a lot of people who say its not an issue don't live in the same areas as the immigrants...

of course they only see the benefit of cheap labour and don't care how it impacts on the normal people.

It would be different if they moved somewhere fairly expensive and lowered house prices massively but average joe doesn't matter
12 Mar 2004
OK I must admit, I own a business so I will never be in that situation, it seems a pretty good fact though that skilled foreign workers do so much harder than their British born counterparts,

But it isn't a fact though, it's an unsubstantiated myth propagated by the likes of the daily mail et al.
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