29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

22 Jun 2004
Deep England
I'll just leave this here. Enjoy!


I like how the report doesn't look at the cost of immigration at all. Sure immigrants working in the UK will contribute more in taxes than they take out in benefits (did we really need a report to tell us that?), but then those takes are used to pay for things like educating their children but if our schools are already at full capacity how are they expected to cope with the strain of a sudden, rapid increase in the number of children entering the school system.

It's almost like some publicity hungry professor has decided that the best way to get himself on BBC Breakfast is to write a report that finds in favour of ultra-liberal immigration policies.
29 Jul 2010
As much as I generally argue in favour of the positive effects of immigration, I agree with Scorza above that the actual net income/costs are far more complicated than just tax received/benefits claimed.

You have extra schooling, NHS, policing, council costs to take into account to name a few.

Tbh, it would be so complex the truth is no-one has a clue.

But what the report does show, as has been argued all along, is that the Daily Fail drum beating of they all come over here to leech off our unemployment benefits is just BS scaremongering.
5 Jun 2010
Our primary data source, the British Labour Force Survey (LFS), is a quarterly representative survey of about 60,000 households in the UK, or about 0.2% of the UK population.

That is a very small sample size.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
As much as I generally argue in favour of the positive effects of immigration, I agree with Scorza above that the actual net income/costs are far more complicated than just tax received/benefits claimed.

You have extra schooling, NHS, policing, council costs to take into account to name a few.

Tbh, it would be so complex the truth is no-one has a clue.

But what the report does show, as has been argued all along, is that the Daily Fail drum beating of they all come over here to leech off our unemployment benefits is just BS scaremongering.

What would be interesting is an analysis of how many immigrants are claiming benefits and which benefits they are claiming.

I know it's the 'Fail but you can't blame people for reading stories like this and going into a rage. I'm also aware that this is about a failed asylum seeker rather than an immigrant but still.
14 Feb 2008

Did you even read that? they've focused on a specific subset of migrants whilst as even quoted within that article "the net contribution of recent migrants is positive"

They can even agree with the BBC in plain English despite trying to bury it under their agenda yet still the blind fury of their idiotic readership glazes over the 1-2 actual facts in a piece and instead focus on the vitriolic fluff around it.
20 Feb 2010
Darkest Worcestershire
Did you even read that? they've focused on a specific subset of migrants whilst as even quoted within that article "the net contribution of recent migrants is positive"

They can even agree with the BBC in plain English despite trying to bury it under their agenda yet still the blind fury of their idiotic readership glazes over the 1-2 actual facts in a piece and instead focus on the vitriolic fluff around it.

I guess you did not grasp the joke:rolleyes:

Its a daily fail article
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