29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

wait so let me get this straight..

if I go on holiday to Germany for a few years and have sex with my wife, she has a baby then he is German? purely based on a geographical location ? even if he is raised as English , goes to an English speaking school , never learns the native language as his FIRST language etc.

do the hospital but him down as German because he was born in a German hospital ?

how are they cheaper? do you still live with your parents or something ?

if you have a flat the rent is rent regardless of age

Well, depends how you want to look at it but I'd say no, he's obviously not German. German born perhaps, but not German in the sense of the word. It's how you see yourself culturally that counts more than anything.

That's a bit different to the subject of the thread - the right to work here for Bulgarians and Romanians from the start of this year.

Of the 170 convictions between 2012 and 2013 52 per cent were Romanian

They've been able to come here freely since 2007... people who want to come here to steal are likely already here, its still illegal and they can still be deported for it.... its got naff all to do with a change in legislation allowing people to work here. These are professional thieves, they operate all over Europe... hardly people who've come over here seeking work legally and then decided to suddenly become pick pockets.
I am surprised that the DM has not been pulled up by the press complaints group - they clearly lied in the stories they ran during December where they stated the airlines and coaches were fully booked

Why would the Press Complaints Commission be interested in these complaints? Are you seriously suggesting that the Daily Mail should be considered to be an actual newspaper?
Why would the Press Complaints Commission be interested in these complaints? Are you seriously suggesting that the Daily Mail should be considered to be an actual newspaper?

:D but the less learned do believe that it is a legitimate news source

Of course I have no time for the DM but I am worried about the propaganda they seem to get away with
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