29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Give it time, your not honestly suggesting the damage will be seen yet are you????
14k poles were going to come in 2004 according to labour over a million came!

History books will tell of the betrayal of the British people by Tony Blair and co.

Well 400,000 must have gone home. There's is 600,000 here now making them the 2nd largest immigrant population behind Indians, just above the Irish.

No-one told the Irish to go home though.

According to estimates there are around 130,000 Romanians and Bulgarians (together) already in the country.
Seems that 200 people in Ashford in Kent are to lose their homes to make room for Eastern Europeans.


I know people say Daily Mail it is BS. I have been able to confirm this as I was a homeowner in Ashford during the time these people built up their portfolio and still have many friends in Park Farm.

On the face of it it looks like they are protecting their interests which there is nothing wrong with business wise. However delve into this couples other business ventures and they tried to under cut local dentists in the area by hiring cheap labour from Eastern Europe.

Again I can confirm this as my ex-wife was a dental hygienist at the time and I remember the worry of her losing her position in favour of cheap labour from Europe.

You can read about the pair here.


Maybe their tenants will be better off as I see they have previously tried to charge a tenant £3000 for a whole bathroom suite because the cistern lid was broken.
Haha, yes bud, if NOT believing the excrement this type of media shoots makes me 'smug', I guess I'm guilty as charged.

Anyway, there's a nice article on how James Blunt almost started WW3 and you can always check if that granny have birth to the squid yet. You know, the Pulitzer worthy important things this heap of s*** spouts

Anyway, storm in a tea cup as usual. Blown out of proportion again, by the usual media suspects. Gobbled up without question by the gullible.
:) Well said.

On a side note - how exactly have 579,000 poles been born here?, if they were born here they are British.
:) Well said.

On a side note - how exactly have 579,000 poles been born here?, if they were born here they are British.

That's a mystery to me as well.

They're born in Britain, grew up in Britain, goes to school in Britain, live in Britain. Hold British citizenship.

But they're Poles ....



Doing their bit for Queen and Country.

The only thing missing from that is 95% of the posters on this forum in a huge circle, dancing around and clapping their hands merrily.

God, I hope this isn't representative of the foreigners coming in. A bunch of old ladies and men who look like they'll soon be working in a kebab shop.

Surely there'll be some young attractive women or it's a total waste letting them in!
That's a mystery to me as well.

They're born in Britain, grew up in Britain, goes to school in Britain, live in Britain. Hold British citizenship.

But they're Poles ....


wait so let me get this straight..

if I go on holiday to Germany for a few years and have sex with my wife, she has a baby then he is German? purely based on a geographical location ? even if he is raised as English , goes to an English speaking school , never learns the native language as his FIRST language etc.

do the hospital but him down as German because he was born in a German hospital ?
It's because rent and bills are cheaper if you're young.

how are they cheaper? do you still live with your parents or something ?

if you have a flat the rent is rent regardless of age
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wait so let me get this straight..

if I go on holiday to Germany for a few years and have sex with my wife, she has a baby then he is German? purely based on a geographical location ? even if he is raised as English , goes to an English speaking school , never learns the native language as his FIRST language etc.

do the hospital but him down as German because he was born in a German hospital ?

how are they cheaper? do you still live with your parents or something ?

if you have a flat the rent is rent regardless of age

As far as I know, yes. It's a reason why some people where the mother was pregnant were anxious, for example, to get to the US and have their child born there since he would then be a US citizen, regardless of legality of the parents being there.
wait so let me get this straight..

if I go on holiday to Germany for a few years and have sex with my wife, she has a baby then he is German? purely based on a geographical location ? even if he is raised as English , goes to an English speaking school , never learns the native language as his FIRST language etc.

do the hospital but him down as German because he was born in a German hospital ?

Yes. Nationality is a legal term to define where someone was born, nothing more*. You won't see people's nationality reflected in their DNA.

* Sometimes used to form misguided opinions such as patriotism or as an excuse to oppress other groups of people.
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wait so let me get this straight..

if I go on holiday to Germany for a few years and have sex with my wife, she has a baby then he is German? purely based on a geographical location ? even if he is raised as English , goes to an English speaking school , never learns the native language as his FIRST language etc.

do the hospital but him down as German because he was born in a German hospital ?

how are they cheaper? do you still live with your parents or something ?

if you have a flat the rent is rent regardless of age

It doesn't have to be your wife. If could be someone for example a person born in Turkey who has been granted German citizenship.

Some countries such as Ireland have put a stop to this, so a person born in Ireland to non-Irish parents doesn't automatically become Irish.

But anyway yes, Polish people have children over here makes the children British. What's more if they live in Britain and go to a British school they are culturally British too.

It's pretty much the same way you, and your ancestors became British.
2011 census says 579,000 Poles born in uk
637,000 Polish citizens residing in the UK for over 2 months (2013)
850,000 ethnic Poles including holders of British passports

so says wiki

Actually, the actual census 2011 noted that migration of Polish people is declining. It was highest in 2007 at 96,000 Polish citizens entering UK, but this declined to 39,000 in 2009. It also clearly states that the largest group of residents of England and Wales born outside the UK were Indian and Pakistani born, amounting to over 1,176,000 of the population. You are picking on Polish migrant minority (not even immigrant minority, because not all of them will stay) from millions of others. You need to decide, are you just xenophobic or are you selectively xenophobic. And if the latter, for what political gain?
It also clearly states that the largest group of residents of England and Wales born outside the UK were Indian and Pakistani born, amounting to over 1,176,000 of the population.

That's the real issue... not skills based migration from those countries per say (there are obviously very talented people from India and Pakistan who make great contributions to our economy & society who have skills in deamand) but in general non-EU migration only seems to provide a marginal benefit at best...

The barely educated village girl or 1st cousin brought over for an arranged marriage isn't necessarily going to contribute much.

The Nigerian 'student' who's come to study in a 'college' above a chip shop and then surprisingly doesn't return home when the student visa expires....

We need to seriously crack down on non-EU migrants - immigration from outside the EU should be very tightly controlled and based on skills (in theory it should be to some extent already).... we've got more than enough inexpensive unskilled workers within the EU as it is.
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