29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Not people with no money.

If you're unemployed and living week to week (or fortnightly or whatever it is) on your £70 a week, plus housing benefit of a maximum of £250 a month for under 35s, how do you move?

People do it...there are avenues via the social fund and various welfare assistance schemes that will help you get into work in another region. In any case, often the distance is as little as 20-30 miles, and still people will not make the effort.

If you are single, to be fair, you have little excuse. I accept uprooting entire families is more difficult, but again, not impossible. As I said earlier, individual circumstances would determine whether a job is worth moving for, either temporarily or permanently. It is not impossible to get temporary accommodation in a B&B or hostel initially either.

The Govt were talking about offering very specific help for relocation for jobs, but Labour and others opposed it.
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old ladies coming over? for a job? or a pension?

old ladies coming over? for a job? or a pension?

That's a group of homeless people from a couple of years ago, come on.

I think the size of this thread proves that people are concerned about immigration:). We are also fed up with our views being censored by limp wristed liberals:D

No, what is shows is that there are people on both sides of the fence who want to debate the subject.

There are people who are concerned about immigration, and there are also those who are concerned about the (negative) treatment of immigrants.
Still nothing in the Daily Fail about swaths of immigrants arriving in Britain, you know, what they predicted. Today it's apparently the start of WW3, a dictator being eaten by dogs and 30 foot waves crashing into British shores.

Haha, I swear, what an utter toilet of a trash rag. How people read this total and utter garbage is beyond me
More than three-quarters of people surveyed in a poll have said they want immigration to be cut, with 56% calling for major curbs.

Almost half of people asked, 47%, think immigration is bad for the economy.

Among the 31% of respondents who said immigration is good for the economy, half wanted to see it reduced anyway.
former Cabinet Office economist Jonathan Portes, said: "I think politicians do have to say to individuals who are negatively affected, and let's face it there will be some: 'Yes, we're doing this for the good of our country, and yes you may lose out, but ultimately we still have to do this.'

"Just as we said to the coal miners 30 years ago: 'Sorry we can get our coal a lot cheaper abroad. We can't afford to keep on propping you up.'"
LOL out of touch much? can't believe he added the bit about the miners!

aren't they talking about scrapping housing benefits for under 25's as well? I wonder if that has something to do with immigration and all those young self employed car washers lol....
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Give it time, your not honestly suggesting the damage will be seen yet are you????
14k poles were going to come in 2004 according to labour over a million came!

History books will tell of the betrayal of the British people by Tony Blair and co.
Still nothing in the Daily Fail about swaths of immigrants arriving in Britain, you know, what they predicted. Today it's apparently the start of WW3, a dictator being eaten by dogs and 30 foot waves crashing into British shores.

Haha, I swear, what an utter toilet of a trash rag. How people read this total and utter garbage is beyond me

You prefer the poisoness lefty drivel in the guardian perhaps or the low brow mirror?

Second most popular paper in UK perhaps your the one who is out of touch will the majority of the UK?
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You prefer the poisoness lefty drivel in the guardian perhaps or the low brow mirror?

Second most popular paper in UK perhaps your the one who is out of touch will the majority of the UK?

Second most read? Hahahaha. What an utter sad enditement of this muddy isle. People read that pile of reeking trash because they want to be ENTERTAINED by shock, drivel and awe. They don't want news. They're your typical rag that hop on whatever popular bandwagon is red hot, and then the spin and melodramatics start.

Bearded lesbian machete wielders?
63 year old woman becomes pregnant with a squid after eating kalamari.
Flesh eating bugs invade Britain.

If I'm 'out of touch' by rejecting such toilet journalism, I couldn't be more happier.

Oh, and I reject liberal and left wing views too.
Most years we go to France for Christmas and New Year, and I remember just after Poland joined the EU it was noticeable the number of coaches bringing Poles over the UK at the Eurotunnel terminal. Since then things started to calm down a bit with fewer and fewer coaches each year, until this year when there seemed to be quite a lot of coaches from Eastern Europe again. Not saying this is conclusive proof of anything, but it is food for thought imo.
14k poles were going to come in 2004 according to labour over a million came!

Million Poles never happened. Net migration of the entire A8 and A15 migration (that's migration from accession countries 2004-2008) rarely exceeded 200k in total. But most importantly, European migration was never Britain's biggest immigration problem (if such problem even exists in the first place), it's just convenient punch bag for anti EU separatists. Below UK border passport/visa figures in thousands:
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Second most read? Hahahaha. What an utter sad enditement of this muddy isle. People read that pile of reeking trash because they want to be ENTERTAINED by shock, drivel and awe. They don't want news. They're your typical rag that hop on whatever popular bandwagon is red hot, and then the spin and melodramatics start.

Bearded lesbian machete wielders?
63 year old woman becomes pregnant with a squid after eating kalamari.
Flesh eating bugs invade Britain.

If I'm 'out of touch' by rejecting such toilet journalism, I couldn't be more happier.

Oh, and I reject liberal and left wing views too.

I find it quite telling that you hold such a large part of the British population in such disdain. You must feel quite lonely up there in your high castle all smug and cocksure looking down onto us plebs?
I find it quite telling that you hold such a large part of the British population in such disdain. You must feel quite lonely up there in your high castle all smug and cocksure looking down onto us plebs?

Haha, yes bud, if NOT believing the excrement this type of media shoots makes me 'smug', I guess I'm guilty as charged.

Anyway, there's a nice article on how James Blunt almost started WW3 and you can always check if that granny have birth to the squid yet. You know, the Pulitzer worthy important things this heap of s*** spouts

Anyway, storm in a tea cup as usual. Blown out of proportion again, by the usual media suspects. Gobbled up without question by the gullible.
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