Regular murder happens all the time, small news air time. A handful of people get killed in a terrorist attack and it's wall to wall coverage about it for days/weeks. Emotive subjects get selected as important by news editors and the cycle is complete - terrorists got what they wanted; terror.
StriderX's stats are great, I think those are just for America. If global stats, terrorism on average barely registers compares to 7.7(?) billion people. Terrorism is bad. I get it. It deserves the correct amount of response. Natural disasters cause way more deaths, maybe we should focus on seeing what we could do to prevent those deaths before worrying too much about terrorism. (global warming?) It's an optimisation problem. A coder doesn't spend 99% of their time trying to save 1fps, they focus on the biggest chunk of the problem to save the most fps* gaming analogy
Humans just aren't great about the big threats like air pollution, coz we cant see it, its existential, or ethereal; without one big event. But our brains go nuts when we see a single big event, coz you can film it and stick it on repeat (and replay it in our minds after seeing it).
We're also not good with numbers. I like to visualise the world population as 1 cubic millimetre for 1 person. So 1 billion people would be a line of those one metre long (1000), squared (1 million), cubed (1 billion). Each cubic metre is 1 billion cubic millimetres
. Now place seven cubic metres stacked on top of each other. That's the world population - maybe add another 70cms on top. Now take off a strip 1mm x 3mm x 1metre, that's the number of people that died on 9/11. Now take off 7mm x 1metre x 1metre, that's 7 million, around the total deaths per year from air pollution.