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4870 + AC Accelero S1 Rev2 = F..T..W.

4870 with s1rev2

Assembled my Sappire 512mb 4870 a week ago.
The gpu temp 66% idle 70 load
gpu dispio 66
gpu mem 75
gpu shader 64 idle
vddc 58
vddc 59
gpu 58 idle
I didnt like these temps so i decided to go for the s1 rev2,and a acousti 120mm fan.

quite a lot of messing about.i put the 8 ramsinks on, which came with the cooler,but couldnt put the VRMsink on as it didnt fit the holes,by then i had had enough,so i put it back in the comp to try it.

The gpu temp is now 36%idle load 39 playing WOV.
gpu temp dispio 36 idle 40 load
gpu temp mem 45 idle 48 load
gpu temp shader 42 idle 45 load

vddc 59 idle 69 load
vddc 61 idle 72 load
vddc 58 idle 70 load.
Now it has made a difference accept for the vddcs,which i thought it would,as i didnt put any sinks on them.
I dont know how to fix anything on the vrms as the sinks didnt fit,so could anyone tell me how to fix something on there,or are those vddc temps okay?
Quite willing to take the card out again to put something on if necessary.
WOV is the battle of britain sim,quite an intensive game,really stresses out the cpu and v/c.
Assembled my Sappire 512mb 4870 a week ago.
The gpu temp 66% idle 70 load
gpu dispio 66
gpu mem 75
gpu shader 64 idle
vddc 58
vddc 59
gpu 58 idle
I didnt like these temps so i decided to go for the s1 rev2,and a acousti 120mm fan.

quite a lot of messing about.i put the 8 ramsinks on, which came with the cooler,but couldnt put the VRMsink on as it didnt fit the holes,by then i had had enough,so i put it back in the comp to try it.

The gpu temp is now 36%idle load 39 playing WOV.
gpu temp dispio 36 idle 40 load
gpu temp mem 45 idle 48 load
gpu temp shader 42 idle 45 load

vddc 59 idle 69 load
vddc 61 idle 72 load
vddc 58 idle 70 load.
Now it has made a difference accept for the vddcs,which i thought it would,as i didnt put any sinks on them.
I dont know how to fix anything on the vrms as the sinks didnt fit,so could anyone tell me how to fix something on there,or are those vddc temps okay?
Quite willing to take the card out again to put something on if necessary.
WOV is the battle of britain sim,quite an intensive game,really stresses out the cpu and v/c.
Use either blutack or cable ties to put that VRM heatsink on otherwise you may find your card burns out as that area is critical and no way to get a fan over it. I used blutack on mine plus wedged it under the main heatsink fins to hold it in place.
You've got no heatsink on and your raching 69/70/72 under load? :eek:

Ive had the heatsink on with a very tight elastic band and it was reaching 120 under load until my card died. I'm sending it back tommorow (didnt have a cahnce over the past week due to complications).
Use either blutack or cable ties to put that VRM heatsink on otherwise you may find your card burns out as that area is critical and no way to get a fan over it. I used blutack on mine plus wedged it under the main heatsink fins to hold it in place.

Just looked at my idle vddc,and they are 57,59 56(more or less the same as when the stock cooler was on),so do you think its worth all that trouble taking it down,whilst accepting your point of view about the VRMs?
im thinking my 120mm fan might be cooling them down,i dont know.

Just looked at my idle vddc,and they are 57,59 56(more or less the same as when the stock cooler was on),so do you think its worth all that trouble taking it down,whilst accepting your point of view about the VRMs?
im thinking my 120mm fan might be cooling them down,i dont know.
m8 its up to you but better safe than sorry as under heavy gaming load those VRMs do heat up a lot. Your fan will most likely not be doing much for the VRMs as they are underneath the heatsink. Few people have not bothered and had some sort of failure. Only takes a few mins to do although be careful as even 30 mins after power your PC off the card is still very hot and easy to get burnt by it.
4870 cooler

m8 its up to you but better safe than sorry as under heavy gaming load those VRMs do heat up a lot. Your fan will most likely not be doing much for the VRMs as they are underneath the heatsink. Few people have not bothered and had some sort of failure. Only takes a few mins to do although be careful as even 30 mins after power your PC off the card is still very hot and easy to get burnt by it.
Yes,i think i will have a go at the VRMs again,as all my other temps look okay,better to be safe than sorry,will put bluetack on them,and try to strap it down.
Will let you know what happens.

m8 its up to you but better safe than sorry as under heavy gaming load those VRMs do heat up a lot. Your fan will most likely not be doing much for the VRMs as they are underneath the heatsink. Few people have not bothered and had some sort of failure. Only takes a few mins to do although be careful as even 30 mins after power your PC off the card is still very hot and easy to get burnt by it.
Have put that long heatsink on,which covers 3 oblong and 2 small square rams,didnt change the stuff on the heatsink,just took off the piece of paper covering the gooy stuff.
The 3 vddc temps have really changed.
at idle they are 54 60 55,load they are 69 72 66.
I hope i am covering the right rams.
Have you a photo of the VRMs which i am supposed to cover please?
Have put that long heatsink on,which covers 3 oblong and 2 small square rams,didnt change the stuff on the heatsink,just took off the piece of paper covering the gooy stuff.
The 3 vddc temps have really changed.
at idle they are 54 60 55,load they are 69 72 66.
I hope i am covering the right rams.
Have you a photo of the VRMs which i am supposed to cover please?
Sorry never took any photos of mine but its pretty obvious anyway. You have 5 tiny little chips which are near the end of the card and in a 5 row pattern altogether. These are the VRM's and you will find that the supplied heatsink screws onto 1 hole then for the other you use either cable ties or blutack which is fine as the pressure from the main card heatsink above holds it down anyway. Someone bent one of the fins slightly so it holds it right down. You need to clean that stuff on the heatsinks from the stock cooler otherwise the temps will go up a bit.
took a few pics of mine


I really like the look of this cooling system as a quiet high performance option. The only issue is that it kicks the heat back into the case. Would it be possible or feasible to create some sort of carboard exhaust funnel and then flip the fans so they suck air away from the cooler and out of a pci slot?
I took the plastic off to expose more metal, read about it somewhere, thought why not.

Im not so sure about all this hot air back in the case,even with the stock cooler your getting heat from the card in the case, if you have good case cooling it should be fine. I run mine in a antec 900 gamer case with the 200mm fan on top.

Those card temps are with the fan on low setting, has 3 speeds

Well I had it running about 4-5mins in ATi tool just now and my VRM temps hit 79,93,91, GPU core hit about 60 degrees.

I'm running 2x 92mm fans and they are on low.

I got MX-2 on the VRM's aswell.

The fans on high which is still quiet I got:

GPU Core: 58 degrees

VRM's: 71,74, 83.

I'm guessing either the single 120mm fan is more effective for cooling the core, about 3 degrees coler, but less effective cooling the VRM's as mine are coler up near the VRM.s

But it does look like your VRM sink aint on properly, that elastic bang needs straightening abit.
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whats your core and memory at?


Hmm I'll try 795 core but wont be doing 1100 memory, not stable here.

795/975, fans on low:


I'll have to give a 120mm a try, maybe even 2.

Running in a P182 here, very warm inside the case.



Am guessing tho due to your 120mm fan been more central above the core it will help cooling it better and your Antec 900 is a better cooler than my P182 I'd guess.

I run with side of case off now tho as CPU gets too warm, did the temp readings above with the side of the case on though.
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Taken Some Pics

Have circled the areas of concern where you have to do your own thing as the heatsinks supplied do not quite fit properly.





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