8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

I'm loathe to put more than 1.7v through my sticks... I might push up to 1.74 or 1.76 for a final score once I know all the limits, if it's needed. I haven't seen a huge improvement going from 1.66 to 1.7 though.

These TridentX sticks are decent, but don't quite reach the clocks stated in most of the reviews though.
Updated my AMD X4 score
Tightened up the RAM timings.


Got my microXp, was trying an i3 540 last night, couldn't give it enough voltage to stay stable for long enough (crappy Foxconn mobo). Hoping this XP will let me smash 9 mins... God Pi is addictive lol :)
]MadBoy[;24458783 said:
Got my microXp, was trying an i3 540 last night, couldn't give it enough voltage to stay stable for long enough (crappy Foxconn mobo). Hoping this XP will let me smash 9 mins... God Pi is addictive lol :)

You won't get lower than 9 minutes at 4.0Ghz which is the aim of this thread but doing it in under 10 minutes is a realistic target if you have good memory.

I had an i3 540 before my i5 760, great performing cpu for the money :)

Will see if I can find the times I got with it.

quite happy with that the most i can get out of my ram 1874mhz not to bad from a 1333mhz kit that nearly 3 years old had to drop timings to 10-10-10-28 to boot tho

damn I took the screen shot in power play *facepalm* it was 100.5x40=4020mhz

00. 8-Pack : 7m 17.469s - i7 4770k "G.Skill" 2603Mhz 6-9-7-18-74 1T

01. shadow Boxer : 7m 36.722s - i7 4770k "Samsung" 2222Mhz 9-10-10-21-128 1T

02. Stulid : 7m 37.299s - i7 4670k "Team Group" 2422Mhz 9-11-11-18-98 1T

03. Duff-Man : 7m 37.330s - i7 4770k "Corsair" 2154Mhz 8-10-10-21-96 1T

04. 1Deep : 7m 52.969s - i5 3570k "G.Skill" 2624Mhz 10-12-11-35 1T

05. PCZ : 7m 53.141s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2624Mhz 10-12-12-18 1T

06. crypto : 7m 53.573s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2334Mhz 9-11-11-17 1T

07. topdog555 : 7m 54.829s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2338Mhz 9-11-11-26 1T

08. Weazle : 7m 55.146s - i7 4670k "Patriot" 2134Mhz 11-11-11-27-200 2T

09. Raikiri : 7m 57.285s - i5 2500k "Kingston" 1909Mhz 10-11-11-32 1T

10. Sir SpankalotUK : 7m 58.828s - i5 3570k "Samsung" 2278Mhz 9-11-11-15 1T

11. Kaktus69 : 7m 58.859s - i5 3770k "Samsung" 2268Mhz 10-10-11-19 1T

12. wazza300 : 8m 00.689s - i7 3770k "Samsung" 2209Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

13. vonex : 8m 01.459s - i7 3770k "Samsung" 2210Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

14. Lord_ZED : 8m 04.657s - i5 2500k "Samsung" 2208Mhz 9-10-10-21 1T

15. arknor : 8m 09.729s - i5 4670k "Kingston" 1596.4Mhz 9-9-9-27-208 1T

16. horrorwood : 8m 09.877s - i7 3770k "Kingston" 2401Mhz 11-12-11-30 1T

17. PCZ : 8m 09.672s - i5 2500k "TeamGroup" 2208Mhz 8-10-10-16 1T

18. setter : 8m 09.997s - i5 3570k "Samsung" 2133Mhz 9-10-10-21 1T

19. dlknight : 8m 11.969s - i5 2500k "Samsung" 2210MHz 9-10-10-17 1T

20. Mik3 : 8m 13.959s - i5 3570k "OCZ" 1907Mhz 10-10-10-30 2T

21. wazza300 : 8m 15.332s - i7 2600k - "Samsung" 2210Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

22. Kaapstad : 8m 16.923s - i7 3930k "Corsair" 2484.2Mhz 9-11-11-25-96 1T

23. Monkeh : 8m 17.063s - i7 2600k "???" 2154Mhz 9-11-11-19 1T

24. MonsterMoshi : 8m 18.681s - i7 3770k "Kingston" 1616Mhz 8-8-8-21 1T

25. pgi947 : 8m 18.842s - i7 3820 "G.Skill" 2416.8Mhz 10-12-12-21-88 1T

26. whyscotty : 8m 20.940s - i7 3930k "Corsair" 2486.4Mhz 10-11-11-25-96 1T

27. Tonester0011 : 8m 21.785s - i7 3930k - "TeamGroup" 2356.8Mhz 9-11-11-25-96 1T

28. Subliminal Aura : 8m 23.580s - i7 2600 "???" 1412.8Mhz 9-9-9-24 1T

29. Rossi~ : 8m 24.106s - i7 3930k - "Samsung" 2400Mhz 11-11-11-28-214 1T

30. PureJaz : 8m 26.908s - i7 2600k - "???" -No cpu-z memory shot

31. Mrnob : 8m 34.000s - i7 3820 - "Samsung" 2152Mhz 9-10-10-21-88 1T

32. Tekgun : 8m 34.926s - i7 2600k "G.Skill" 1617.6Mhz 8-8-8-24 1T

33. Skeng : 8m 35.084s - i5 2500k "Geil" 2132Mhz 11-11-11-36 2T

34. Pohly : 8m 40.791s - i5 2500k "Kingston" 1876Mhz 10-10-10-28 2T

35. Hicks : 8m 46.158s - i7 3770k "Avexir" 1602Mhz 9-9-9-24 2T

36. Something Else : 8m 57.499s - i5 2500k "Patriot" 2134Mhz 11-11-11-27 3T

37. ]MadBoy[ : 9m 00.421s - i7 920 "Corsair" 1692Mhz 8-8-8-26-60 1T

38. Duff-Man : 9m 03.910s - i7 930 "Corsair" 1830Mhz 8-8-8-21 2T

39. Kaapstad : 9m 07.889s - i7 something "Corsair" 2013.8Mhz 7-8-7-20-88 1T

40. Mick-1965 : 9m 12.911s - i5 760 "Cruicial" 2240Mhz 9-9-9-27-181 1T

41. Hotwired : 9m 14.129s - i5 750 "G.Skill" 1701Mhz 6-7-6-18-94 1T

42. shadow Boxer : 9m 14.414s - i7 920 "OCZ" 1601Mhz 8-8-8-24-59 1T

43. the1gooner : 9m 23.790s - i5 760 "Kingston" 2020Mhz 10-10-10-31-162 1T

44. Nightst@lk3r : 9m 24.471s - i5 760 "Corsair" 2000Mhz 10-10-10-21-74 1T

45. Gzero : 9m 30.481s - i5 750 "Kingston" 1603.4Mhz 9-9-9-24-208 1T

46. bru : 9m 38.733s - i7 920 "???" 1528Mhz 8-9-9-28-124 2T

47. blues_r_best : 13m 17.473s - Q6600 "G.Skill" 892Mhz 5-5-5-15-52 2T

48. PCZ : 16m 43.719s - X4 965 "Geil" 1894Mhz 7-8-7-18-11 1T

49. Kei : 16m 48.000s - X4 955 "Kingston" 1656Mhz 7-8-7-18-17 2T

50. ManLoveRulesOK : 17m 00.438s - X4 955 "OCZ" 1620Mhz 7-9-8-26-29 1T

51. dfour : 23m 51.868s - FX-8350 "Patriot" 1672Mhz 9-10-10-24-33

52. evohicks : 24m 09.666s - FX-8350 "G.Skill" 1606Mhz 11-11-11-28-39

53. Kei : 25m 30.390s - A64 3700+ "OCZ" 530Mhz 3-4-3-8-7 1T
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Nice score shadow_boxer :) Is that on XP?

I'll post an updated score later tonight. It'll be the last score I post for a while - I'll be out of the country for a week, and then I'll have to put in a few all-nighters to meet a deadline (I've been slipping behind due to excessive playtime with new hardware!).

Regarding tRFC, I've found that (on my sticks at least), it's quite a restrictive timing. Certainly it scales badly with clockspeed... At 2600Mhz I can get by with 128, but I need 160 to pass at 2800. Also, a lot of the secondaries seem to be quite finicky... tighter timings don't always lead to improved scores. I can tighten tRAS up quite a lot, but beyond a certain point it doesn't seem to improve the scores - if anything, the pi time goes up.

More and more I'm realising that tweaking timings is not a greedy optimisation problem (i.e. setting each to the lowest value it will go). You need to balance the various timings against each other to find the best overall result. Makes it a lot more complex.

Nice work once again on the table Kei :) I think shadow_boxer should be above Stulid though (for now!).
Thanks for updating the table Kei.

No that was Windows 7, I think I can tighten up timings a little but can't get much higher with the speed on these Samsung Greens. Might have been tempted to pick up some 2600MHz RAM up after this weekend I won't be around so wouldn't have much time anyway.
Yeah... it seems hard to guarantee a good set of memory. It seems that even identical models can perform quite differently. One of my sticks is definitely better than the other for example (did some basic tests with them independently). It's tempting to throw money at the problem and just buy more RAM, but there are no guarantees of any success.

It seems that most of the top benchmarkers (using LN2 and competing for records) either have some super-clocking RAM provided by manufacturers (for advertising and testing purposes), or they go through lots of sets of RAM binning sticks for the best performers. Not a cheap business overclocking!
woops my bad sorry. re done with the correct super pi and back ground nearly got to the end on 2000mhz but got blue screen so drop it back to 1876 again. oh yeh my ram is kingston not geil :D

Hmm I've discovered this mushkin on its way is PSC ram which I believe responds very well to cold. Do I get hold of some dry ice and make a ghetto aluminium foil ram pot and freeze it.
Why not grab a dewar of ln2 while you are at it, on a serious note dry ice wouldn't been too bad an idea almost tempted to try that myself. Dry ice is much easier to come by than ln2.

*Used a makshift pot with dry ice for some cpu benches before using a large copper tube and plenty of insulation.
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Ln2 will cost way more money than I'm willing spend at the moment, dry ice is cheap and readily available.

Plus it would be my first time with sub zero so dry ice is probably a better idea
8m 17.000s

after searching my cupboard of bits and putting back into service an old 8GB IDE drive with a IDE to SATA convertor and installing Windows XP SP3.

That is with fairly loose secondary and tertiary timings which I had to loosen to bring the CAS Latency down to 9 and the tRFC.


Will have another go later at bringing the secondary and tertiary timings down but it means installing .Net 4.0 and MSI Control Center so I can tweak the timings without restarting the PC every time.

Then will stick in the TeamGroup memory I got that was on offer last week :)
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