Madboy there's also a micro version of xp as well.
I'm stuck waiting till mid next week for my ram. Wish it would hurry
That will do nicely, ill grab that
Madboy there's also a micro version of xp as well.
I'm stuck waiting till mid next week for my ram. Wish it would hurry
I await your sub 7:30 time now Duff-Man......
hehe, no pressure
I'll do my best to oblige. Out of the country for a week from Sunday though...
PCZ, I love you
Just got past the wall of blue death. The DVD drive needed to be shifted to a new SATA port.
Let's see if I can finish the job now!
Thanks - I'll check that
One of the SSDs I tried to install on (the 840) is definitely in port1, but I'm not sure what BIOS I used to try that with. I'll make sure the CD drive and the other HDDs are in the right ports. Thinking about it, the CD drive may well be plugged into one of the last ports...
Sounds promising!
How much slower were your times on XP?
I'll do my best to oblige. Out of the country for a week from Sunday though...
Argh... I really hate this board.
4 times out of 5 (roughly) it will say 'cannot find any bootable devices' while operating in IDE mode. When it DOES find the drive, it will hang 9 times out of 10 loading Windows (even with stock memory settings).
Much as I've had good experience with Gigabyte motherboards in the past, I can't recommend this board to anyone.
Was getting 7.41 at best, most runs were even slower!
So you can't improve your time?
Not so far, no.
So you can't improve your time?
...Do you have a Haswell system you're planning to sandbag with?
I think he said his bet time so far was 7.37.2 something. Mentioned it on another thread. Not sure if it was 4770K or 4670K?