8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

I run msconfig and do a diagnostic start.
Stops most services.

It is important to run through the tweak list.

Some of the tweaks though make next to no difference like setting olive green theme. :)
No idea how that is supposed to help.

wazza i never tried.
Think you have to move large files from drive to drive or some such.
I am only using one drive with XP, so haven't tried it.
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That's exactly what I have done so far PCZ, along with setting priority, affinity and stopping explorer service.

Might try wazza, not sure I can be bothered though tbh, I'm happy with my time :)
PCZ, I love you :D

Just got past the wall of blue death. The DVD drive needed to be shifted to a new SATA port.

Let's see if I can finish the job now!

For anyone curious as to why you have to use the first four ports it is a Legacy thing.

IDE had a Primary and Secondary with a master and slave on each.
Total 4 devices.

If you use ports 5 and 6 the driver used during install gets presented with ID's 4 and 5 and freaks out.
Thanks - I'll check that :)

One of the SSDs I tried to install on (the 840) is definitely in port1, but I'm not sure what BIOS I used to try that with. I'll make sure the CD drive and the other HDDs are in the right ports. Thinking about it, the CD drive may well be plugged into one of the last ports...

Sounds promising! :)

You're not leaving other drives attached whilst trying to install XP in IDE mode are you? Unplug all but the spare drive you're installing to & the CD drive.

The first stripped version of XP I tried was much slower than 7. No idea why but the first Superpi calculation was taking over 7 seconds instead of 5.x
I have officially hit the limits of my kingston hyperX genesis 1600mhz 9-9-9-27-36 ram @ 1656mhz 7-8-7-18-17. I've tried all afternoon to improve and nothing has been stable enough to complete a faster run. I'm not desperate enough to go and buy new ram just to gain that extra 0.25s. Good luck with the mushkin manlove.
Thanks, it's more frustration that this ram is so useless at clocking. Plus it's net me a few fps in games so the mushkin will give me a little more hopefully.
Argh... I really hate this board.

4 times out of 5 (roughly) it will say 'cannot find any bootable devices' while operating in IDE mode. When it DOES find the drive, it will hang 9 times out of 10 loading Windows (even with stock memory settings).

Much as I've had good experience with Gigabyte motherboards in the past, I can't recommend this board to anyone.
How much slower were your times on XP?

Was getting 7.41 at best, most runs were even slower!:(

:p I'll do my best to oblige. Out of the country for a week from Sunday though...

Haha, same off on holiday next week and won't be back until the 28th...then going to Silverstone Grand Prix that weekend so won't be doing anything after this weekend!
Argh... I really hate this board.

4 times out of 5 (roughly) it will say 'cannot find any bootable devices' while operating in IDE mode. When it DOES find the drive, it will hang 9 times out of 10 loading Windows (even with stock memory settings).

Much as I've had good experience with Gigabyte motherboards in the past, I can't recommend this board to anyone.

So you can't improve your time?
Was getting 7.41 at best, most runs were even slower!:(

Yeah, I'm not having much luck either... Seems to be a couple of seconds slower, even following the suggested optimisations and having only 12 processes running. Only been able to get into Windows a handful of times though, and never with timings close to what I could get in Win 7.

Trying the latest F6e BIOS now - maybe that will help (I was on F5 - rolled back to try and get XP installed).

I'm strongly considering dumping this board for an Asus. Expensive proposition, but I've about had it with this thing.

So you can't improve your time?

Not so far, no.

...Do you have a Haswell system you're planning to sandbag with? :p

I've also noticed that CPU-z doesn't always seem to show the correct CPU, memory and NB frequency in XP. Had a couple of times where it's shown 3.6Ghz, and nothing for the memory, but running the first few loops of pi shows that it must be running at 4Ghz.
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