8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

The only way I could see you levelling the playing field would be to group the different types of processor together and attain some way of effectively handycapping the lower end processors in comparison to the higher end ones so they can be judged side by side but somehow I think that would end up causing more hassle..

Interesting comp that makes me want to learn more about this kind of thing if nothing else, but unfortunately I can't afford to risk bricking my current kit to try and win new kit :p
The only way I could see you levelling the playing field would be to group the different types of processor together and attain some way of effectively handycapping the lower end processors in comparison to the higher end ones so they can be judged side by side but somehow I think that would end up causing more hassle..

This would be a great idea yeah... I personally think that as it stands the competition is a little silly. The people with gear fast enough to win this competition could most likely go out and buy that gear themselves without worrying a great deal about it, and of course they will have comparatively little use for it and will probably flog it or build another system they don't really need for the hell of it.

Interesting comp that makes me want to learn more about this kind of thing if nothing else, but unfortunately I can't afford to risk bricking my current kit to try and win new kit :p

Agreed. I currently know very little about overclocking to be quite honest. Only the basics. It would be nice to understand how best to improve performance and stability using all those BIOS settings I dare not touch currently :p
^^ supposed to show full 4 ghz in cpu-z btw,that won't count

I have to say its very fast for the ram speed
Too all and sundry who are moaning. Not all competitions on OcUk are open or suitable for everyone. Some require artistic or creative input, some require you to show no shame, some require you to pass on your dignity!

Guess what, it's not a competition you can enter by copying and pasting "OH MY LOLZ I SUPER LOVE PRODUCT X, I WANT ONE IN NEON PINK PLEASE".

Stop crying ONE of the many competitions ran here for free hardware is not suitable for you because you cannot win. Enter, have some fun, have a bash trying your best. Would be nice to win but ultimately whoever puts in the most effort and has the most suitable tools for the job will nab the prize.

Count yourself lucky there are a plethora of competitions you can enter with varying degrees of participation effort. Grats, you quoted a section of the opening post or entered your email and clicked submit before now, this is not one of those competitions. It costs you nothing to enter but your time, you might learns something about OCing competing and nobody is forcing you to enter. If you do not like the rules or the format then press your browser's back button.

I think it's hugely disrespectful and downright rude to come in and shout the odds when someone has arranged something to give FREE HARDWARE away.

In short - dealwithit.gif
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So how will they know if you use some software to overclock the CPU during the test and then set it back to 4GHz for the screen shot?
Obviously you wouldn't want to go 5GHz and get a silly time, but just enough to win the prize?
I guess 8 Pack (and others have a rough idea what's possible with each config) but surely that also means they pretty much know what sort of setup is going to win and that anyone without this setup will be wasting their time?

Also, why is there a speed limit on the CPU but not on the RAM? Unless RAM speed doesn't affect the test surely the people with fast expensive RAM have an advantage?

You hit the nail right on the head.
The point of this 'competition' is to show Haswell in a good light with the IPC advantage it has and the high memory clocks it can achieve.

To be in contention here you are going to need a Haswelll with a good IMC and very fast RAM.2800+ at a minimum.
The winner will be the one who can clock the RAM the highest.

There is an outside chance that an IVY with an exceptionally good IMC and some 3000+ RAM may win, but with Haswell's IPC advantage it is extremely unlikely.
Too all and sundry who are moaning. Not all competitions on OcUk are open or suitable for everyone. Some require artistic or creative input, some require you to show no shame, some require you to pass on your dignity!

Guess what, it's not a competition you can enter by copying and pasting "OH MY LOLZ I SUPER LOVE PRODUCT X, I WANT ONE IN NEON PINK PLEASE".

Stop crying ONE of the many competitions ran here for free hardware is not suitable for you because you cannot win. Enter, have some fun, have a bash trying your best. Would be nice to win but ultimately whoever puts in the most effort and has the most suitable tools for the job will nab the prize.

Count yourself lucky there are a plethora of competitions you can enter with varying degrees of participation effort. Grats, you quoted a section of the opening post or entered your email and clicked submit before now, this is not one of those competitions. It costs you nothing to enter but your time, you might learns something about OCing competing and nobody is forcing you to enter. If you do not like the rules or the format then press your browser's back button.

I think it's hugely disrespectful and downright rude to come in and shout the odds when someone has arranged something to give FREE HARDWARE away.

In short - dealwithit.gif

and then another +1 for good measure
Too all and sundry who are moaning. Not all competitions on OcUk are open or suitable for everyone. Some require artistic or creative input, some require you to show no shame, some require you to pass on your dignity!

Guess what, it's not a competition you can enter by copying and pasting "OH MY LOLZ I SUPER LOVE PRODUCT X, I WANT ONE IN NEON PINK PLEASE".

Stop crying ONE of the many competitions ran here for free hardware is not suitable for you because you cannot win. Enter, have some fun, have a bash trying your best. Would be nice to win but ultimately whoever puts in the most effort and has the most suitable tools for the job will nab the prize.

Count yourself lucky there are a plethora of competitions you can enter with varying degrees of participation effort. Grats, you quoted a section of the opening post or entered your email and clicked submit before now, this is not one of those competitions. It costs you nothing to enter but your time, you might learns something about OCing competing and nobody is forcing you to enter. If you do not like the rules or the format then press your browser's back button.

I think it's hugely disrespectful and downright rude to come in and shout the odds when someone has arranged something to give FREE HARDWARE away.

In short - dealwithit.gif

I give up. Is it too complex to understand that it doesnt make sense to run a competition to win a high spec Haswell bundle for which the only possible winners will have high spec Ivybridge machines?

Im not coomplaining that OcUK are giving away free hardware, i'm complaining that the competition is not fair.

Whoever wins will have no need for the bundle whatsoever and will probably sell it while it is still in its cellophane.

If the competition was more fair, there would be a chance of someone who would really benefit from the upgrade winning it. Such as someone who is still packing a Phenom II or an i5 750 or a Core 2 Quad etc. I'm not arguing my point because I cannot enter and stand a chance, I suppose I could. I have a K series chip and RAM that can overclock. I'm arguing my point because the nature of the competition means that the less in need of the upgrade you are, the more likely you are to win.

It doesn't apply to other competitions really. You wouldnt say "He is better at video editing so he doesn't deserve the videogames! This competition is biased! People who are better at video editing are more likely to win!" on a video editing competition would you? Whereas here, my point is valid, and I still think this competition is incredibly stupid and badly thought out.
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I guess they could cap it to only include Ivy Bridge and below, otherwise as someone said you could buy a Haswell set up just to win another one :p

Anyway Acme have a go, you've got better RAM than me so you should be beating me ;)
Anyway Acme have a go, you've got better RAM than me so you should be beating me ;)

I would rather not mess around in my BIOS to be honest :p

My motherboard isn't the healthiest of motherboards right now. I will be replacing it soon :rolleyes:

Possibly before the 30th of June though, if that's the case i'll do it quickly while i'm in the process of sorting out my OC on the new board. :)
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The rules are the rules are the rules are the rules....deal with it or leave it, if there was a competition that excluded i5 2500k users you'd be all over that like a rash, likewise if there was a competition where AMD would be the benefactors you would be moaning "oh noes i canne win!! so unfairs!"

8 Packs word is final.
How about having the winning entry being whoever gets the highest percentage improvement in their time over a base figure? The base figure being set by your own pc using settings determined by 8 pack. For example, running the test at 3ghz with 1066 or 1333 memory and a specific set of timings and command rate. Surely that ought to level the playing field.
I don't think my Q9550 is going to be able to compete even if I do crank it up to 4ghz. Might do it anyway when I get a spare momemnt to see what sort of time I get on my ageing chip XD
The imc can be strong but besides 8 pack I haven't seen many ivy users above 2133. Looking forward to this when I get home, my aim is 7m50s.

Edit: though I do agree this needs to be split into socket/chipset. Personally I'd like to see someone on x58/1156/775/am2/3 win.
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Hmm might have to have a play with this, starting to regret going for the memory I did and not getting some greens to play with when I had the chance wonder if theres any going in mm, might just pull one set to run 16gb put 1.65v through them and see how far they will go
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