V1N it probs would be quicker to return the card, get a refund and get a non overclocked cheaper card.
Yeah I was thinking about that.
No, I didn't have the card for a few days, it arrived yesterday, and I noticed the BIOS and clock speed error yesterday, so immediately got in contact with the store, and BFG. I called BFG, as I was hoping they'd let me get a BIOS from somewhere, just flash it to the right version, and job done.
Nooooo, not allowed to make it easy
RMA with the store is my next decision.
I considered going for the RMA with refund option, so I could order another card straight away, wait for it to arrive, and RMA the other one, and have no down time.
Problem is, I got a "good price" (without going into specifics and getting suspended, again!) and since then, the cost has gone up a fair amount. So if I get the refund, I'd have to pay more, even for a non-OC card.
I also thought, hell to it, I'll just use Rivatuner, clock it to what it's meant to be at, but, my Windows Defender won't allow it to auto run at startup. I don't want to turn it off. It'll run of course, if I don't run Rivatuner as Administrator, but, then the clocks don't work.
So, I could manually load Rivatuner each boot, and go through the hassle of waiting for a new version after each driver update (?) or, RMA it.
You see the dilema? On the one hand, I'm glad to actually have the 8800GT here, on the other hand, it isn't right, and really should be RMAd, out of principle, if not anything else.
I think the store I got it from said they'd have more in on the 6th, so maybe this would be a good time to send it back, and hopefully not go for too long without an 8800.