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8Packs no BS testing Intel 8700K and Z370 with Delid 5ghz and above available from OCUK.

28 Mar 2017
I feel a bit velnerable with my 3000mhz ram now. If i can make the next mortgage payment ill upgrade the ram next pay day.

Mate, unless that was tongue in cheek, if you don't have at least 4 months of mortgage payment in reserve in your bank then don't go spending what you have on 1-2% fps gain :D
19 Oct 2008
Because it runs fine at stock speeds with the cheap paste? Because probably 99% of the CPUs they sell (and probably 50% of the K series ones...) never actually get overclocked, so it's irrelevant? Because by making people delid, they remove their warranty obligation to the CPUs that are stressed the hardest by having loads of voltage rammed through them?
I get all that, but even still, paste wise, given how little of it is required and how the price difference for Intel would probably be negliable, it just seems weird not to just use the best paste possible to aid cooling. Buying a brand new product, ripping the lid off to replace something as silly as conductive paste does seem silly. Sure, not many OC but for those here, how do you feel about the fact that this process even needs to be done? Doesn't really paste :)D) Intel in a good light.

Going from soldered to an inferior paste (when better paste available). Maybe of course there's more to it? Does some paste breakdown or lose it's beneficial properties quicker than others?
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29 Jan 2015
West Midlands
WHy this should be totally fine. Sweet spot for me is 3600mhz C16 but no need to go that high.

Can you tell me what bios you used on the maximus hero? I'm currently on 0213 and asus lists no newer revisions.
With 4266 memory and stock 8700k I can't seem to get past 3600 no matter what tweaks I try.
Your screenshots show a maximus IX which we know is wrong.
3 Mar 2006
Glade to hear it. With better cooling it's very possible to go up one bin. I tried a couple on 360 custom and both did one bin higher easy.

Excellent i do wonder if my mobo is holding me back . but ill wait til z390 now as more then happy with performance running 1.38 volts

EDIT : there is bclk options in my motherboard wondering if its possible to tinker with the non K cpus on this board as they seem to work on my K but im not as clued up on intel clocking these days
10 Jun 2005
Can you tell me what bios you used on the maximus hero? I'm currently on 0213 and asus lists no newer revisions.
With 4266 memory and stock 8700k I can't seem to get past 3600 no matter what tweaks I try.
Your screenshots show a maximus IX which we know is wrong.

I couldn't get past 3866, but it is stable at this speed on the Hero X.

Try using tweak mode 2 and 2T.
10 Jun 2005
Any joy at 1t?


Unless you save an OC profile, rest back to defaults, unplug the power and let the board discharge, turn back on, go into BIOS and apply OC profile and then it'll boot to windows (sometimes) .

Then it fails on next restart again.

30 Dec 2010
AG Switzerland
Can confirm this, although my i3-8350K has reached 4.9GHz passing 40 mins of prime 95 v26.6 testing, it needed 1.46 volts to get there.

I've just delidded it and temps are about 10C better, but I am not using liquid metal yet so hopefully there's a bit more headroom there when that arrives.

I just started overclocking my 8350k, not overclocked for many years so learning by doing as there is hardly any info out there on this cpu.

8350k, ITX, 3000Mhz Corsair RAM. I have set XMP ON, set voltage to 1.225 and now testing 4.2Ghz.

Aim is to get to around 4.6 to 4.7 and settle with that. I have a Hyper 212 cooler. So far at 4.2 I can hit 80 deg C on prime.

Not really sure what the max voltage I should use it, I've read 1.225, 1.3-1.4??

Also not sure on max temps, not going to go over 85 deg C.

I have a delid tool and the paste, but not sure if it's worth it on an air cooler, will I hit a temperature limit or a silicon limit first?

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