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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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21 Nov 2014
Newcastle Upon Tyne
out of interest.. what replacement cards are people ordering? :)

I luckily didn't sell my 780 before I started having issues and this all came to light, so I am going to hold fire and wait to see what the next bout of AMD cards bring, I've never actually had a working AMD/ATI card and the last time I tried one was 2006! so should be interesting at least.

NVidia have until then to at the very least show that they are genuinely sorry and have learnt from this, and no, a few apologies from employee's is not enough. In this case action will very much mean more then words.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
So just MSI and Gigabyte not playing ball now then. On their heads....

Gigabyte said NO, but to wait until next week! I will not wait any longer but in fairness they have not made a concrete decision.

MSI said they are still waiting on a decision, so in fairness they have not said no, but I cannot keep our customers waiting any longer.

I am confident MSI will do the right thing, they are normally excellent and so are Gigabyte, they are just dragging their feet.
16 Jun 2004
Well it's a very nice offer from OCUK but my Asus Strix 970's are staying right where they are.

I'll stick to the plan I originally had of keeping them until September, then putting them up for sale in the MM and getting as much as I can for them to put towards another dual card purchase, assuming there is something better available by then (???).

I got lucky with these two cards, not a bit of coil whine, they never go above 70c, fans barely ever needed and will give a nice 15% overclock without any extra volts, although I only run them at stock speeds.

They play BF4 @4k today as brilliantly as they did before all this nonsense occurred.

Did Nvidia screw up?...yes of course they did, but the benchmarks that almost all of you based you're purchasing decision on are as valid today as they were yesterday.

Does the 970 still have the best price/performance ratio out there?...without a doubt.

The fact is, to step up to a 980SLi set up would cost me another £350, not to mention the hassle of returning my 970's to OCUK.

£350 for another 15% performance?...no, just no. 15% doesn't make the difference between a game being playable and unplayable.

As for those of you who think going to 980's (or 290's) will somehow 'future proof' you, lol, just lol.

You should know by now, there ain't no such thing in PC gaming.
24 Jan 2007
Gibbo, hats off to you and OCUK for accepting these returns. I have to say however, the people returning these are at the cost of OCUK, have a ****ing think about what your doing. Most have moaned and trolled through this thread demanding this and that. I've never has the displeasure of meeting that amount of selfishness under one thread and the excuses used ? Good lord. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your 970's think yourselves very very fortunate. This is not a troll, bait, point scoring post either.

some brands are helping ocuk so it's not all at the cost of ocuk.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
suprising really as they are both huge companies, with decent products

That is no doubt the issue, the decision makers are in a different timezone in fairness so I guess it takes longer, but I just don't want our customers being left in the dark over the weekend.

I am fairly confident Gigabyte and MSI will support us with any returns we get. :)
14 Sep 2007
West Yorkshire, England
Gigabyte said NO, but to wait until next week! I will not wait any longer but in fairness they have not made a concrete decision.

MSI said they are still waiting on a decision, so in fairness they have not said no, but I cannot keep our customers waiting any longer.

I am confident MSI will do the right thing, they are normally excellent and so are Gigabyte, they are just dragging their feet.

I fully hope you get the support you guys need. The way you are handling this situation for the customers is very well done and not heard of nowadays.

Much respect.
28 May 2004
Cooper, someone with some sense posting?!?! I'm in shock :D

It's great when you finally stop chasing the numbers but I do understand that for some that is the whole buzz / part of building and overclocking a PC. I do agree with you though Cooper, if you were happy with what you had up until now and it plays your games without any issues I wouldn't be changing either. For those that actually are being hindered by the issue discovered then it is also great that RMA's are being accepted.

For me though Cooper you speaketh much sense :D
22 Oct 2012
The Moon
That is no doubt the issue, the decision makers are in a different timezone in fairness so I guess it takes longer, but I just don't want our customers being left in the dark over the weekend.

I am fairly confident Gigabyte and MSI will support us with any returns we get. :)

Gibbo, once again thank you for everything :) Just wondering if you feel a 295x2 or 290x 8gb in crossfire would be a better buy?

Thanks :)
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
Thing is I've been a long time self confessed nvidia fanboi. I mean going back from gf2, gf3 ti20p, 6600gt, 8800gtx, 8800gt, 460 1gb, 760 2gb.

And i find this behaviour appalling and i truly believe that someone or multiple parties within nvidia knew the specs and the errors at launch and either did nothing or decided implicitly not to correct the stats to guarantee a strong xmas quarter of sales.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Gibbo, once again thank you for everything :) Just wondering if you feel a 295x2 or 290x 8gb in crossfire would be a better buy?

Thanks :)

They are great buys!

Though I personally feel you should stick with your 970 because the card is bloody fantastic and this is all blown out of proportion, for the money I honestly don't think there is a better performing card as a total package.
22 Oct 2012
The Moon
They are great buys!

Though I personally feel you should stick with your 970 because the card is bloody fantastic and this is all blown out of proportion, for the money I honestly don't think there is a better performing card as a total package.

Yeah, I'm going to see if a driver update sorts the stutter out first, I think.
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