Gibbo any idea if the price for the KFA2 GeForce GTX 980 SOC Gamer 4096MB (£399.95) is likely to last for while...?
Also as a 980 card does it rate as well as any other, it seems cheap for what it offers....?
Do OC deal with the warranty on these or do you have to deal direct with KFA, wherever they are...?
It should be around £439.99 based on rebuy were selling at a loss but we have stock owned at a much lower cost due to when they were purchased exchange rates were in our favour. Our cost to buy this card now is around £408, hence why price will increase to around £440ish in coming days, probably next Wednesday time.
The warranty you can deal with us or KFA and the KFA support team are the ex BFG guys and uk based so top notch, so great brand for support.