So you replaced it with a Kodak retractable lens pocket camera?
It has the same number of megapixels... it must be the same!
You bought into Nikon system in that case... would you really dump all the lenses you have built up over decades as a photogropher just because a single body has an oil issue?
First... Nikon repaired & replaced faulty units with D610.
Second... those who couldn't wait didn't lose out in upgrading to a D800... they got a better camera
Third... collect underpants
Fourth... ???
Fifth... profit
What rubbish are you talking about? You just massively contradicted yourself trying to just make up some answer to sound cool.
Nikon offered replacement shutter units and repairs out of warranty once the issue was confirmed
out of warranty for the camera including a free service.The shutter replacements are the same fixed shutters from the D610 and people have received D610s in certain cases.
Canon offered free repair or replacement with newer models of affected cameras in the past. I had a Canon S60 which was affected by a fauly sensor design which was found in 2005:
Canon offered free repairs or replacements 5 years(or longer) after the issue was discovered.
This is because they know they WILL lose customers if they dick people around. People will SELL entire systems and changeover.
People have less religious like love of camera companies than they do of graphics cards ones.
So where you is Nvidia offering free fixed gtx970 cards then for the next 5 years. Oh! Wait! No,it appears. Where is the software fix and maybe a free game voucher or free software download even?? Oh! Wait! No,it appears.
Is it even a problem for Nvidia?? Oh! Wait! No,it appears - it was the way it was meant to work(tm).
You can deflect desperately as much as possible,but it won't work for you.
It just shows you how people like you make excuses for graphics cards companies for issues. This is not the first time AMD or Nvidia have skirted around issues.
This is getting worse than the Apple fans I know.
Honestly don't bother answering,especially with whatever random stuff pops into your head.
The camera market is not a duopoly.
All of us who buy video cards are in the same boat.
Be it green or red, they are the only choices.
Competition drives innovation. if we all decided to boycott one supplier based on a principle, then we would only be shooting ourselves in the foot.
If AMD had a similar issue to the one Nvidia is going through, would you stop buying graphics cards?
Whether we like it or not, they both have us between a rock and a hard place.
Mine just so happens to still be Green....
Yet funnily in other areas of consumer electronics companies seem more likely to fix issues,or offer exchanges.
Or maybe consumers can be more proactive in pushing these companies to do something.
Either AMD or Nvidia WILL do something if people push them hard enough.
If people reward them for screwing up then there is no incentive to fix any issue.
But I like how people still ignore the $1 billion hit Intel took with the SB chipset problem - one which would have not been apparent for years.
They are in utter dominance over AMD in X86 and desktop and laptop chips and are a worse duopoly than graphics where we have a third player(well a poor performing one).
Yet they seemed to have done the right thing.
They could have easily said - yeah if there is some issue in 5 years we might look into it case by case .
We won't bother until then - good luck!
No they made they replaced ALL their the socket 1155 motherboards with the B3 versions at their own cost.
Has our expectations for customer service from Nvidia and AMD reached new lows?