My only hope is that the bugger gets tortured in the ways that he not only tried to convince people to do but actually succeeded in the sad case of Lee Rigby.
Why the hell we can't do these people for high treason or something is beyond me. We should stop playing the good guy and get more strict on these chumps. While were at it theres a good portion of 'our own' who could equally do with a good shooting.
There is a huge issue currently in the UK with a mixture of racism and the 'Jeremy Kyle' louts that roam our streets.
I work in a hospital and I have to say that even though my department in particular is mostly British there are some key people whom the service would not work as well without. This includes a professor of Immunology from India who might as well have invented half the modern procedures medical labs undertake these days, a specialist consultant in lymphoma cancers, to the point where we get hospitals from other countries let alone our own asking for his opinion.
I also understand there are a lot of 'foreigners' who join the country to live off our benefit system. You have to ask yourself though, is this their fault?
Is it truly their fault that upon entering the country our government throw handouts to them? A lot of these people come from hard working countries and are taken aback by the fact that the government basically tell them as soon as they enter that they really don't need to work.
Also you have to realise that there are far more people of our own nationality that are equally as bad as these 'foreigners' and some are even worse.
I would say there is a higher problem with the amount of our own people who refuse to work and contribute than those from other countries. The difference of course is people from other lands can at some point be deported, those who were born here just stay that way forever and teach their kids to do the same.