Doubtful, you're the one legitimately getting butthurt over comments on hdr like you have some stake in the technology. How does a "wait and see" approach irritate you so much? Or do we all have to share your opinion as its quite clearly in your little mind the "be all end all" opinion that absolutely everyone has to agree with?
I've not seen it in the flesh, and until i do so its not something i care much about one way or the other as viewing videos of it doesn't tell the whole story. I already stated the same thing about eyefinity, freesync and gsync stating they were techs you had to experience first hand and HDR is probably also in the same boat but yet again you ignore that and go on with your childish diatribe. Apparently me having that opinion really gets under your skin for some unfathomable reason. You conveniently ignore the facts that games have to be coded for it and quite a few pc games these days have just the bare bones set of options, even field of view in some fps games isn't a certainty to have an an option, yet you seem to have convinced yourself every dev and his granny will be coding in hdr support.
Wind your neck in and accept that some things have to be experienced first hand to get the true measure of their impact, no ifs or buts about it.