If it is 144hz then it's getting pre-ordered as soon as it's available for me!
as promised, confirmation of official information and specs for the 34" XR341CK and XR341CKA models:
Info about the 35" VA screen is currently not for public release, but expect some news later this month as soon as we're allowed to share it
Not surprised at all that this turned out to be a slightly overclocked 60hz panel. From what I've seen the large, curved IPS panels (as opposed to VA) have all been pretty ******. I'd imagine this is one of the existing panels or a new stepping which allows for reliable OC'ing to 75hz.
Edit: If there really is a 144hz VA version, that'd be the holy grail for a lot of people, I think. Though 35" is getting a little big ..
They are both 144Hz.
Ya, if the 35" VA is 2560x1080 it's a non starter too. Even at 144 Hz. That would be incredibly large pixels.