Acer XB270HU - Worlds First IPS, 1440p, 144hz, Gsync

As I've commented before, and posted and proven with images, this rubbish being spouted about IPS glow being 'normal' and not a reason to return the monitor is utter horse****.

People are paying £700 for this turd. It should be a perfect product. Actually, if you're 'only' paying £200, it should be a perfect product.

I received shockingly poor customer service from ocuk over a monitor last year. As such I haven't bought a single piece of hardware from ocuk since, and I can't see me doing any time soon either.

Also - A veiled threat that you 'might' deduct 25% for returning an item - how is that supposed to instill any sort of customer confidence?! You either do, or you don't, which is it?
It's totally misleading and probably illegal, but worst of all it destroys all customer confidence the way this is being communicated.
This 25% restocking fee issue needs clarifying ASAP not just on here, but on your main website. Lots more customers to brass off and lose forever I suspect if not.

Love the forums though ;-)
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Guys you have to be aware the monitors are not actually faulty.

IPS glow can occur on this panel and any IPS screen for that fact. The two I have had back so far have been tested and both been NFF.

If customers want to return them under 14 days legally you are entitled too so we are not denying any return.

We are just advising people that under the 14 day CCR return period legally we can deduct up to the full contract price on a refund for an item which we take a hit on and can not be sold as new.

We don't deduct the full contract price as this is too excessive.

If people are unsure about the CCR regulations for returning unwanted items within 14 days please take a read of the below:

The situation now is that I am currently awaiting for a call from the Account Manager at Acer to discuss this further.

This was used straight out of the box when it came back to us

Already done this and awaiting a call from them, there is also no "Bad Batch" at all so i dont know where this rumor is coming from!


The 'Bad Batch' has come from Mark the Acer customer service guy, as has been stated several times in this thread, fingers crossed mine will be delivered in good shape tomorrow.
So if I return mine as it is now under CCR with no damage etc all bags, cables etc, wrapped as if it was new and placed in a the box straight off a shop floor I MIGHT(but by the looks of things) probably still will be hit with a fee?
So if I return mine as it is now under CCR with no damage etc all bags, cables etc, wrapped as if it was new and placed in a the box straight off a shop floor I MIGHT(but by the looks of things) probably still will be hit with a fee?

This is exactly how I'm taking it. It may not be the full 25% as OcUK say they feel this is excessive, but it will be some form of fee.
If you care to actually read my statement above i clearly linked the CCR and explained we can made a deduction up to the contract price on the returned item under CCR.

Point 34:

I am not saying we will do that but we are entitled too.

You can only do that if you can prove he/she has handled the item in a way that would deem 'more than they should'. It's a monitor and it has to be tested thoroughly, much you would do in a shop if you could.

So the only way you can say you're entitled to add anything is if you can prove he/she has handled it more than they should.
So if I return mine as it is now under CCR with no damage etc all bags, cables etc, wrapped as if it was new and placed in a the box straight off a shop floor I MIGHT(but by the looks of things) probably still will be hit with a fee?

This is exactly how I'm taking it. It may not be the full 25% as OcUK say they feel this is excessive, but it will be some form of fee.

Absolutely hell no. I'd actually report any etailer that tried that ****.
Also remember, if you guys used CC to pay, the contract is between your credit card company and OCUK, so if they dont adhere to the law and try and bend the CCR to suit, go to them and they will certainly get all your money back for you.
Well my replacement arrived this afternoon and it looks like when they are good they are very good.
No dead/stuck pixels and only a very small amount of glow/backlight from the bottom right corner. This cant be seen when using desktop or gaming.
i don't understand why overclockers want to lose a bunch of regular customers by charging us all fees for this 1 obviously faulty product, when its never happened to me before for returns of things that were not even faulty, i sent back a 970 around Christmas because it had some coil whine and got a full refund no questions asked, some people could live with the coil whine and i seem to remember there was also conflicting talk of it being manufacturing defects / just the way it is. And i'm not accepting a premium flagship £700 product that i have to bend and manipulate and risk breaking just trying to make it look right, that's if i didn't have the other problems with it actually failing completely.

imagine getting a titan x and it only runs at full speed if you bend the pcb by a cm and the shroud was scratched and looks oily and it kept crashing the pc, it would be back for a refund. And i'm sitting here looking at this rog swift and its in a different league when it comes to build quality and its faultless and cheaper, and the acer looks bad even compared to my cheapo £400 hazro 1440 ips that i got back in 2011 that doesn't even have an osd. Also notice how ocuk say this for the swift -

"OcUK Exclusive Service: Warranty regarding dead pixels falls under ISO rules and as such dead pixels if very few are not an actual fault. But at OcUK we value our customers especially when spending such a large amount of money on what is a flagship gaming monitor. As such even if you only have 1 dead/stuck pixel and it has not gone after 3 days, we will class the monitor as faulty and exchange it for you at no cost to you. This service is exclusive at OcUK for Asus ROG Swift ONLY or other qualifying monitors! (Valid for 28 days from purchase)!"

so apparently the predator isn't a flagship gaming monitor, they don't value me as a customer, and i'm not spending a large enough amount of money, so even with all my problems i am just stuffed i have to accept a faulty monitor that crashes my pc all the time and take a hammer to it to get it looking right or i have to pay a restocking fee which has never happened to me in my life, i even sent back a tablet once for a refund because it actually had similar problems to this acer with flickering screen and crashing and touch not responding, they didn't threaten me with a restocking fee on that.

also i have it in writing from overclockers that these monitors are faulty, they said on the phone they know they are faulty and have quality problems and contacted acer about it, they said on the phone that we might get hit with a restocking fee if we actually want to go ahead with a refund, they admitted they only had it for half an hour and there's no way you could test for the intermittent glitches and crashes this monitor was causing in that short amount of time and its nothing to do with me because the exact same setup works fine with every other monitor we have, they must have just cracked open the box, turned it on, seen the backlight bleed and said this guys a mug its fine and boxed it back up and sent it back. we are quite comfortable with taking this to court and it looks like it might be going that way if they don't handle this properly, and we have won plenty of much much bigger cases before.

fingers crossed
Also remember, if you guys used CC to pay, the contract is between your credit card company and OCUK, so if they dont adhere to the law and try and bend the CCR to suit, go to them and they will certainly get all your money back for you.

100% correct.
I had a similar situation with another retailer regarding an LG monitor whereby I agreed to a "swap" and ended up with an obvious used/reconditioned product. When I went back to the retailer they refused to deal with me because I no longer owned the product sold to me. A quick chat with citizens advice told me to send back to retailer recorded delivery and call my credit card company. They refunded me the full amount in 3 days.

I bought my Acer Predator from another supplier and they couldn't see it either (surprise! surprise!). So let me get this right... I can see it, in my home, with only a pair of eyes... but they can't see it, at their place, with I assume a similar pair of eyes. Hmmmmmm. Now I'm no genius but the only solution would be to...
a) move home
b) only use the monitor at their place.

What I fail to get my head around is
1. IF... the "SUPPOSED"... "IPS GLOW".. is not being seen back at base....
2. There is a 7 dead pixel allowance then........ (DRUM ROLL)....
then why are both retailers talking to Acer?
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100% correct.
I had a similar situation with another retailer regarding an LG monitor whereby I agreed to a "swap" and ended up with an obvious used/reconditioned product. When I went back to the retailer they refused to deal with me because I no longer owned the product sold to me. A quick chat with citizens advice told me to send back to retailer recorded delivery and call my credit card company. They refunded me the full amount in 3 days.

I bought my Acer Predator from another supplier (no competitor talk please!) and they couldn't see it either (surprise! surprise!). So let me get this right... I can see it, in my home, with only a pair of eyes... but they can't see it with, at their place, with I assume a similar pair of eyes. Hmmmmmm. Now I'm no genius but the only solution would be to...
a) move home
b) only use the monitor at their place.

What I fail to get my head around is
1. IF... the "SUPPOSED"... "IPS GLOW".. is not being seen back at base....
2. There is a 7 dead pixel allowance then........ (DRUM ROLL)....
then why are both retailers talking to Acer?

And this is what irks me the most. The fact that I can see the issue, the problem is definitely there, but I'm being told directly there is no problem at all. I'm sorry, but in my eyes, there is a problem, thus there is a fault, and I don't see the item should go without refund if I deem it unfit for purpose and clearly see an issue.. I also shouldn't have to pay a potential 25% cut when the monitor is faulty.

This shouldn't be a case of Overclockers word against ours. Refusing to acknowledge the problem at all, or telling customers to "lower the brightness" aren't solutions, and they are only hurting the potential of us coming back for future purchases.
The fact that I can see the issue, the problem is definitely there, but I'm being told directly there is no problem at all.

All I got was... "well 3 of us looked and couldn't see it"
Aha... the old 3 to 1 trick.

Take it to work.
Get a 20 people to see it and say so...
Record it.
Post on YouTube.
Send link with RMA.

Probably get "well 22 have looked at it now.."

What I can't get across is I LOVE THIS MONITOR.... apart from the yellow glow in the bottom right corner.
Sort it and I would buy three!
All I got was... "well 3 of us looked and couldn't see it"
Aha... the old 3 to 1 trick.

Take it to work.
Get a 20 people to see it and say so...
Record it.
Post on YouTube.
Send link with RMA.

Probably get "well 22 have looked at it now.."

What I can't get across is I LOVE THIS MONITOR.... apart from the yellow glow in the bottom right corner.
Sort it and I would buy three!

I got the exact same response. "We've had 7 people look at it and they've all said it looks fine". "Your monitor is the best one we've seen"

I don't need convincing, I don't need you to tell me "well we can't see it". I've sent it back as I want a refund for a product that I deem faulty, as I can see a fault in my daily use.

You wouldn't get naff food from a restaurant and upon returning it, have the kitchen staff come out, take a bite, and tell you it's actually delicious. I am unhappy with the product. There is a fault. I don't care how many people have looked at it, there is a problem with it and I want a refund.

It's a joke.

Sly edit: I also love the monitor. It is great. But I can clearly see a fault with backlight bleed that I find unacceptable for a monitor that (with shipping) cost me over £700.
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Ok so a twist in my tale. What I thought was a dead pixel actually seems like dirt under the screen. Take a look. First the pic taken close up.


and the 2nd is zoomed in.


How does that stand as actually being a "Fault" ?

I thought it might have been a small cluster of dead pixels but then really getting in close and taking photos etc make me think it might be dirt under the screen which I have seen on other sites.

Ive already RMA'd using CCR... however if this is classed as a fault id rather get a replacement than a refund.

Where do I stand with this? Is it good enough a reason for a replacement or not?
I used to own 12 high street shops and I survived the recession in the the 80's where interest rates went up to 15% with the ethos that the customer is always right.

If the customer can clearly see the fault and retailer cannot, then what's the problem with refunding and then reselling the 'perfect' monitor.

Anyway... just been informed I am getting a full refund.

Good luck.
I used to own 12 high street shops and I survived the recession in the the 80's where interest rates went up to 15% with the ethos that the customer is always right.

If the customer can clearly see the fault and retailer cannot, then what's the problem with refunding and then reselling the 'perfect' monitor.

Anyway... just been informed I am getting a full refund.

Good luck.

Did you send it back under CCR? Or did you somehow convince them that your monitor has a fault?
Did you send it back under CCR?

RMA... but bought from another retailer (so that blows the rumour that this is a batch problem).

I don't blame the retailers. This is an Acer almight c,up. They had it all... and then they threw it all away as the reviews for the Predator were good. We all fell for it. After following this thread I doubt I will trust another Acer monitor.
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