
mm I'm still not sure what to make of this game, It does look awesome.

I've seen the CE for about 50quid. choices choices.

I think I need to see some more pictures and vids. POST YOUR PICS HERE PLS MKAY :p
For the people who are playing this I would love to see some nice high res scenic views for my desktop :) Job for Skyfall!

Also if anyone is pre-ording it etc and has a spare Beta Key I would be veryyyyyyyy! Happy to take it off your hands.
likeing this a lot ,but my time has just run out was playing a priest ,might have to make another account try something else son playing a mage class also good character.
I played the Chinese version(with English patch) for a little while. Got to about lvl 15 I think. It's a great looking game and seems very polished. From what i've seen of the end game(from videos) it looks amazing. There's a preview trailer somehwere showing some gameplay from a raid and some of the bosses, and it's real jaw dropping stuff.

I would keep playing but it just doesn't feel right playing a foreign version of the game though. You never quite fell at home while playing and it's always in the back of your mind that you shouldn't really be there... It spoils the game a bit imo. Think I only managed to speak to one other person and I was the only one running around without a Chinese name above my head. :)

I'll definitely pick this up when it's released in Europe though. I can see it being very popular.
Despite the unnameable (n this forum at least) cancelling all of my goddamn orders they just sent me a preorder key lol!

Pre-Order Bonuses Available:

•Beta Access Code--Pre-order Aion: The Tower of Eternity with us at ****** and you'll receive a code that grants access to beta testing weekends for the game as well as other benefits including:

•Access to all available Aion Beta weekends

•Access to Server and Character pre-selection

•Access to Headstart

•Exclusive digital items including:

- Talisman of Lodas (1 hour XP + 20%)

- Dark Cloud Hat (Attribute booster)

- Ancient Ring elemental effect

How Do I Get This?:

****** will send the code and information via email to the email address associated with the order one week before each announced beta weekend. Orders on or after Thursday the 18th of June will receive codes in this fashion for the next available beta weekend. Beta weekend dates are determined by NCsoft and are subject to change. Please check this page or for announcements on new sets of beta dates.

Further Information:

Beta Access Code:

Beta keys will only be issued for pre-orders made directly with ******
A broadband internet connection is required to redeem this code and to download the game client for beta testing. ******* will send the code and information by email to the email address associated with the order in the week before each beta weekend. Further instructions on redeeming the code and on where to find dates for beta weekends are available below:

So im wondering if as originally planned different stores give out different preorder items.
Im deffo gonna use this preorder key on my main account for the items lol.

But goddamn my gfx card died! :(
I've not even Dld the EU client yet ><
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I think different shops are giving different pre-order items as I noticed some were giving out Dyes. No idea what shops are selling what items etc. If anyone does get a spare key Email in trust ^_^

Not sure how long the beta code is valid for as there is only this weekend and another weekend? Then it goes into open beta for a week I believe?
AFAIK the dye was a purple one included with the Collectors edition.

One Dye lol what a bonus

I think once you have a Preorder key you can access all "beta" events.
Not sure about the keys that were beta only.
I admit I did look aswell but it said those who had made a pre order before June 18th would get a key today, so not sure. I guess it doesn't matter either way, can easily cancel the order if you don't.
Another retailer did a similar pre-order early access for Mirrors Edge when that came out on consoles. I pre-ordered well after an advertised deadline then and still got a key so fingers crossed it's the same with this particular store :)
Quick heads up the store I orginally accidentally missed in the last line of my post before has no preorders for the CE left.

The other official UK stockist currently has both CE and standard editions for sale.

Use this code: 440MVGAME

For £4 off your preorder

50k CE's available worldwide apparantly, with the first run of both CE and standard editions includign a steelbook case too. Please note this is second hand info and may be subject to change :)
The other official retailer doesn't state in its descrption that it includes preorder keys but according to another forum their preorder codes arrived at HQ yesterday and will be distributed shortly.

EDIT: I'm also trying to find out wether teh current NCSoft game time card things will work with Aion so keep yer eyes open for good deals on those
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