I'm loving this game. I can safely say it's the most visually stunning MMO I've played. You can tell that an incredible amount of work has gone into the environments, characters and animations, etc. The overall design works well imo. Although it's very Asian there's definitely Western influence in certain areas of the game. The overall experience is also very polished. There's still a few localisation issues but I have no doubt they'll be ironed out before release.
It's difficult to comment that much on the combat because of the current lvl 10 cap in the beta, but so far it seems solid. I like how the chain abilities work(like combos). They make the combat more involving and fun. I can see them having a large impact on the tactical side of combat later in the game. It's also possible to fight while flying. You can heal, cast spells etc, and even melee. Will be interesting to see how they work it into some of the quests later on.
Other small touches I like:
The way the skills work when levelling up. I.e. Being able to buy the skill manuals in advance saves you having to travel back to the class trainer when you level up. You can just click the manual in your bags to learn the new skill.
The Private Stores are also a great idea. You can actualy set up your own private shop/stall anywhere you like. Drag the items you want to sell into the shop list and price them up, then click start and you character pulls up a seat, puts up a big sign and starts to yell like a market trader. Awesome!
here's a few screenshots from when I went exploring after hitting level 10:
There are some massive beasts flying around in the sky. The one below was probably directly above that mountain on the left. Wonder if we'll see similar colossus walking around on land later in the game.
Another giant of the sky.
That's as far as I got on the map before getting Ganked by a group of level 19 mobs, ouch!