
Okay chaps, I need pointing in the right direction. I'm going with this look for my Matilda (minus the faded Caunter scheme, so a simple sandy-tan sort of colour). I've primed it grey.


  1. What paints do I need for hand brushing?
  2. What do I need to buy to add the shading and weathering?

Thanks in advance. :)
I'm not a modeller myself (but I had a few dinosaur models in my youth) but does having a knowledge of interest in the model subject make it more interesting? I couldn't do it again myself
The only extras I used were Eduard seat belts and resin windshield and canopy, all the rest is provided in the kit, and theres an awful lot of plastic in the box, over 500 pieces I think. I just finished the model last night, except for the fuselage whip aerial), heres a few pics:



How do you display these models, in a cabinet, behind Perspex, freestanding? Do you sell any?
Here we have Airfix's 1/72 De Havilland Vampire T11.

  • Kit manufacture: Airfix
  • Scale: 1/72
  • Type: De Havilland Vampire T11
  • Extras used: OOB.
  • Paints and colours used: Tamiya Acrylics (X-1,XF-1), Mr Metal colour Aluminium and Vallejo Model Air (Ochre/71033).
  • Weathering: Flory models black wash and The army painter ink (strong tone).
Other info: Full build is here :

This build I concentrated on new skills around trying a black gloss finish before trying out some buffable metalizer paints. The metal was toned down using W&N Satin varnish.




Here we have Airfix's 1/72 De Havilland Vampire T11.

  • Kit manufacture: Airfix
  • Scale: 1/72
  • Type: De Havilland Vampire T11
  • Extras used: OOB.
  • Paints and colours used: Tamiya Acrylics (X-1,XF-1), Mr Metal colour Aluminium and Vallejo Model Air (Ochre/71033).
  • Weathering: Flory models black wash and The army painter ink (strong tone).
Other info: Full build is here :

This build I concentrated on new skills around trying a black gloss finish before trying out some buffable metalizer paints. The metal was toned down using W&N Satin varnish.





Nice looking Vampire there mate. I don't know why but the yellow looks particularly accurate in tone!
Thanks Pieman109.

I think the satin coat and black wash gave me the toned down look I hoped for. The Vallejo Ochre seems pretty accurate for this aircraft.

Next up is the 1/48 Canberra PR.9.
Haven't had much time to build and work on my ships, bloody job keeps me busy all day then am too tired to do anything in the afternoon while the security guys do nothing all day, nothing.

Really need to change jobs so.
Opinions please!

Just started the painting phase. I only have three paints, am hand-brushing and this is my first model so I don't know what I'm doing.

I've base-coloured the whole thing in a sandy colour and have made a wash to shade with my Flat Brown. I've started to dirty-up the armour plating over the tracks. It's going okay, but I need some pointers on how to take it to the next level. I'm going for a dried, muddy, dirty look but I'm worried that it just looks rusty?



Do I need some of those weathery, washy things?

An alternative look I'm toying with would be this one:


(Sorry about the lighting and camera quality.)
Any of you guys going to Telford this year, I know looking at some of the pics a few of us are also members on Flory.
Edorf, its looking ok, if you want to add some texture to the paint try mixing a little talc to it, also pop to a hobby shop and buy a box of pastels.

Sand the colour pastel you want with a piece of sand paper to make a dust (you can mix the colours) and dry brush them onto areas to help make subtle shades, black/grey dusted over exhaust areas for smoke, reds orange for rust etc.
Yep. I'll be at Telford this year, I'll be helping out on the IPMS London stand, in the same hall as Flory models I believe, I'll have the Typhoon on display hopefully along with a coupla 1/48 scale models also, though these may be on the Flory stand. By all means come over and introduce yourself, it'd be nice to put a face to the names I see here. I'm going to be there for both days btw.
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Is this a model exhibition?

Yes mate, its the biggest one of it's kind in the world I believe, absolutely mahoosive with nearly every type of model you can think of. It covers three main halls in the exhibition center in Telford, and these halls are BIG, aircraft hangar size, jammed to the gunnels with exhibitors, traders, etc and theres a waiting list thats 5 years long to get a trade stand there I think though don't quote me on that. They also have a static display in one of the halls, and one year they FLEW a lynx helicopter in along with tanks, vehicles, etc. The competition entries had to be moved 'cos there were too many entries to be displayed in the original placement!
Well worth going to if you have an interest in model making.
Yes mate, its the biggest one of it's kind in the world I believe, absolutely mahoosive with nearly every type of model you can think of. It covers three main halls in the exhibition center in Telford, and these halls are BIG, aircraft hangar size, jammed to the gunnels with exhibitors, traders, etc and theres a waiting list thats 5 years long to get a trade stand there I think though don't quote me on that. They also have a static display in one of the halls, and one year they FLEW a lynx helicopter in along with tanks, vehicles, etc. The competition entries had to be moved 'cos there were too many entries to be displayed in the original placement!
Well worth going to if you have an interest in model making.

Sounds like Model Engineering Exhibition I used to attend at Wembley many moons ago. When is it on?
Sounds like Model Engineering Exhibition I used to attend at Wembley many moons ago. When is it on?

Its over two days, 8th-9th November mate, and its bigger than the model engineering exhibition (from what I remember the size it used to be). Well worth a visit.

Progressed the cockpit tonight. This my first time with Photo Etch, so I'm taking it slow but sure. The PVA in the dials will be clear once completely dry.



If anybodies interested the Typhoon kit pieman built is on Amazon lightning deals at 18:00 currently priced at £88 so should be a bit cheaper again, would love it but don't think I could do any justice.
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