Airsoft ??

Friends of mine do this from work, keep meaning to try it out cause they love it. They go to some place up in North East run by a couple of retired marines, so all the scenarios and big battles the lot.

Going to try and get along the 28th of this month, looking forward to it!
Holy thread revival!

A mate of mine has been wanting to try airsoft for ages so he finally we dragged a bunch of us down to a skirmish site in London at the weekend. I went in not bothered either way, but jesus, I think I have got gun crazy!! We had a great time, love the CQB in the dark and the site is pretty good. Despite using the awful rental gear, managed to get a few nice kills, so I'm seriously considering getting my own load out.

I've been looking at an SCR HK416, looks pretty sick and from the reviews are meant to be well built and reliable, plus the 20mm rail system fits most attachments intended for m4s. I'm also looking jealously at a vertical grip, tracer unit (amazing!) and EOTech holo sight.

Any opinions/advice on this gear would be much appreciated!
I've started becoming a regular to the site in Plymouth, but alas didn't go this month as there's been a Mumps outbreak amongst my friends and i've not had the MMR so i'm steering well clear. Also it's wound down a bit over the winter what with the cold weather we had.

I've stopped using rentals though, went for a SCAR-H for myself that was faulty when we got it, swapped it for a SCAR-L and that was faulty too, so I got a refund and now I just borrow my friends' guns for use - they have a shotgun, P90, pair of HK416s, a G36, and various pistols as well so there's always plenty to go around. I do like the shotgun though...

I'm probably going to regret posting that but what the hell... :D
Ha ha! It does feel seedy and shameful to admit to enjoying running around with replica guns, but I suppose there are worse hobbies out there!
Haven't got around to it yet, but I'll be making some Airsoft purchases in future for filming purposes! Will keep an eye on this thread.
Looks like awesome fun, trying to convince my noz mates to have a go over easter :)

If I like it I may well get a gun, I like those two-tone M4's on firesupport :)
Strange that this thread reappeared now... I'm off to an event on saturday.
I haven't been for well over 18 months now, I think I'll have to dust off the rifle for some practice before I go
For films? possibly, it'll be plastic looking and cheap.

For skirmishes? it'll be plastic looking, cheap and probably not last the day.

You really do get what you pay for. If you are looking to play i wouldn't reccomend that as something for a main gun, maybe a bit of fun.

For films you will need a valid defense to the VCRA, which is available to re-enactors and airsofters who are members of a properly insured and recognised site. You cannot spray it either without a defense. People with shotgun licenses can't even buy one.
I have all the correct documentation ready to go. Yeah the shotgun will probably be too cheap looking to be anything other than a background prop.
Forde if you pop down a site near you and get to know people then i'm sure some will be willing to lend things for films. Airsofters are as vain as they come, any excuse to show off their gear makes them weak at the knees.
Played it a teeny bit few years ago, site shut down, I didn't have a close range weapon(pistols) as rules didn't allowed something like 350fps+ closer than a certain range so it was a little difficult.

Also had issues with my butstock battery breaking (bought 3) and tried so many different types of goggles etc which kept steaming up, (I wear glasses too) I tried everything under the sun. I was very close to buying those one with tiny fans/battery that run for hours and hours then the site shut down. Haven't touched it in a long time.

M4A1 fitted with CQB attachments.
There isn't enough pictures in this thread :( This is something I have always wanted to get in to but not known where to start really especially since I don't know where even does it up here.

One of my mates does it but he lives all the way down im near Yeovil but everytime I talk to him about it I start looking at the shops thinking what would I liek to have in my arsenal!
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