Well I've been running my 'new' rig for a few months now. I moved my Akasa Omega case from under the desk to next to the desk. Means I get a bit more leg room and I reduce the risk of my kicking the swivelly door thing and making the PC restart.
That gave me the opportunity to have a look inside the case and see how things are, dust wise, and I was amazed! Barely any dust in there. Course the fan filters on the two intake fans were absolutely caked in dust. Round the edges you could see through the filters but in the middle it was just dust piled up.
So I brushed the dust off and probably gave myself asthma but now the PC should be a little better on the cooling front.
So after I did that I took some pics for you. Wanted to check I could fit in another 4Gb pack of RAM if I ever feel the need to do so.
And I can no probs. I also wanted to see if I could squeeze another SATA cable into the port that is pretty much blocked by my graphics card. If I get a right-angled one I might have a chance but I've just looked at my mobo manual PDF file (for info on RAM timings) and I've found two more SATA ports I wasn't aware of.
I'm using three and the blocked one is the 4th one that faces away from the mobo. The two hidden ones seem to face the front of the case if that makes sense. So when I feel like it I'll open the case up again and confirm that. I wanted to check that so I can think about getting a Bluray optical drive sometime and bung that it.
Anyway les pics.
Case sideways on
Case front end on
Case sideways on but panel removed
Gratuitous shot of the twin-fan-cooled Noctua UH-12P heatsink. The fan on the right blows air onto the cooler. Fan on left sucks air off and pushes it towards the rear exhaust fan.
Memory slots look OK and free, ripe for another 4Gb pack.
SATA slot - To the right of the furthest right RAM slot, under the SATA 3 text and behind the graphics card is what I thought was my last free SATA port. I should be OK with a right-angled SATA cable in there but the red mass to the right are SATA ports 4 and 5. The red cables coming from ports 1-3 for my two hard drives and my optical drive. So I reckon I can plug in a Bluray optical drive into port 4 say.
So the case is Akasa Omega. Motherboard is Asus P5Q-E. CPU is Q9650. Heatsink is Noctua NH-U12P with two of the Noctua heatsink fans. Sound card is Asus Xonar D2. Graphics is a standard 4870 1Gb. Got Western Digital 640Gb and Samsung 1Tb hard drives along with a Pioneer DVD-RW. RAM is OCZ Reaper HPC 4Gb PC2-6400C4 800MHz stuff. When I have some spare cash I'd like to double that to 8Gb so my Vista x64 can go mental with the superfetching stuff. I would like to get a third-party graphics card cooler but I think that is both beyond my monetary range as well as my technical skills right now.
So any comments or suggestions on my case?