Hmmm - I'm looking through all the stuff associated with these and quite frankly I can now remember how annoyed I was at the time with all the people who said - Oh yes, I'd pay £200 for an Eclipse with a full alloy front, but it would have to have...
A door
Two doors
Two 120mm fan ports
etc. etc.
Basically every one would have had to have been custom made for anyone to have been happy, and in the end I sold them back to Hoojum for scrap as part of the hefty bill I'd run up with them (including buy a new Eclipse to take measurements from).
When push actually came to shove, no-one would actually put their hand in their pocket, at which point I realised there was no market and binned the project.
I must have pictures somewhere! I just can't seem to find any, except of the standard type front, which just looks lik ethe ordinary case (another reason no-one would buy one - it didn't look special, just nothing for the no-plastic snobs to take pot-shots at). Bitter? Me? Never!