Akasa Eclipse 62's Club... Desktop & Machines.

No sir i'm not selling my rig, i've spent over £500 upgrading it form core2 duo to quad new 780i mobo & 260 GTX plus 4 gig of ram. i feel that now i've done this upgrade what can i do next.

Change whatever's connected to that IDE cable to sata, sleeve that rear fan cable, maybe see if you can hide the wires a bit more?

Maybe change the cooler/fans for quieter ones, or save a couple of hundred and wc it?
I removed the bottom HDD bay and moved the HDD to the 5" bay using HDD stabilizer,
i've also changed the fan at the front from an Akasa Amber Ultra Quiet 120mm/Sound: 18.0 dB(A) to a Scythe Gentle Typhoon 120mm 800 RPM/Sound: 9.0 dB(A) Very quiet .


Looks much better without the HDD cage I think (mine's been sat in the box in the garage from the day the case arrived). Might I suggest getting some cable braid on those front panel wires though? I used some 10mm on mine, which expanded enough to fit over the plugs.
I think i'm gonna leave it like that for now, i'm getting fed up with online gaming at the mo so i'm going back to my PS3.
Thanks for the wingnut idea BFG_9000 them screw's are rubbish, the reason why i'm going back on the PS3 is cos of the cheating that go's on and yes i know you can stiil cheat on the PS3.
Thanks for the wingnut idea BFG_9000 them screw's are rubbish, the reason why i'm going back on the PS3 is cos of the cheating that go's on and yes i know you can stiil cheat on the PS3.

People cheating in games are bottom feeders, why cheat at all "its only a game" Back to subject: Fan screws I find are a nightmare to fit, the wingnut screws I saw in a DIY store and a bling of light gave me the idea...:cool: Much easier to remove and swap fans if needed...;)
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