I've had this mod on my K702s for a long time and couldn't be happier with the result. The K702 has a huge sound stage so losing a bit wasn't a problem because it's still huge now. I found the highs were hardly affected and the mids not at all but the bass really came to life. I also use some equalisation for music, using MusicBee's 10 band equaliser to boost the 30Hz region by 3db, smoothly curving down to 0db at 125Hz and roll off the highs from 0db at 2kHz to -6db at 16kHz. Result is powerful, punchy bass with a real growl to it, smooth, natural sounding mids and detailed, crisp highs with no hint of sibilance. I can listen to these for hours and hours and they get 50/50 usage with my HD650s - when I'm not using my Rock Jaw Alfa Genus IEMs that is.