AKG Q701 - Roughly £100 before duty

Most problems are due to noise on the USB power lines and a powered hub wouldn't get rid of that. The Schiit decrapifier acts as a powered hub but it also filters out noise and cleans up the digital signal. I know digital is ones and zeroes but noise can blur the distinction between the two.

One thing that does need saying, you only need a decrapifier or powered hub if you are having problems - most people don't.
Good call dude - could you share some pics? I guess you just mounted it along the side edge or something?


Yeah just mount it wherever :)
Got an amazing email from mass drop today. after chasing up my order and receiving a reply letting me know that they had no sign of it at the warehouse yet today received another email stating they had a replacement pair that are being shipped asap for me.

Over the moon is a understatement.
They got more than they estimated or something so put the same deal on.
They also stated it's likely the last time you will see them for that price.

It was very limited numbers, nothing like the first drop
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