AKG Q701 - Roughly £100 before duty

I think I'll just have to get creative and do a spot of plumbing in plastic :D

The mug tree isn't suitable for the HD 650's as it's narrow enough to fit in the groove in the padding, which means the plastic is resting on metal - not good.
Looks great but I'd need two

If you're willing to spend the dosh, the Woo Audio HPS-T is imo the best headphone stand on the market.

Plenty of space for two of my planars:

You won't be disappointed.

Just listening to Jack Johnson a moment ago and I just closed my eyes and soaked in how detailed the symbols were and how well positioned and clear everything was. I know JJ tracks aren't bass orientated but there's a certain low note from vocals and even the strumming of guitar strings that comes out of these headphones that has a certain feeling to it.
Yeah the highs and mids are amazing but the bass is just not there really :confused:

I'm not a "basshead" by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like to be able to hear it :p

Classical sounds amazing though (Debussy Piano by Carolyn Jones was just phenomenal).
that is why these headphones are regarded as one of the best for COMPETITIVE gaming, where bass can be a distraction or drown out footsteps.

combined with the wide soundstage and quality, they are easily in the top tier for gaming.

if you don't plan on using them for competitive gaming or you don't take your gaming that seriously then do the mod. i bought mine for gaming so I'm keeping them stock. I have HD600's for music.
Yeah I don't really game competitively any more :p need to hear those big explosions etc :D

Re. burning in - is there anything in particular I should be doing with both the cans and the amp (Schiit Vali)?


I didn't think of that way back :o

Always been a fan of soft braided cables and it seems they're very cheap. You can never have too many cables :D
Just ordered a Van Damme one at 2 metres. I know it's flexible and soft as I have the same cable (thicker gauge) for my speakers. Top quality cable that! I also made the right angled Q701 cable with the same Neutrik connector so now that's nice quality too.

Can wait until I spot a nice braided one too.
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