AKG Q701 - Roughly £100 before duty

Hey guys,

Apologies for not reading the other threads, but if I wanted a yes/no on the Q701 with a $200 budget, should I pull the trigger? Looking to get in on the Massdrop which Raven just mentioned.

Usage - music (Spotify hq only, no FLAC etc.), gaming, VOIP.


All anyone can tell you is that at $149 + postage and any possible duty, they are very good value as they retail here for around £215.
You'll have to make your own mind up on whether you should or shouldn't order them.
The Q701 sound has been described all over the place and only you can possibly know whether it suits you or not.

My advice - read the other threads!
It will reach it's lowest price hopefully, it's already nearly there. Even if it doesn't the difference currently is only $10 which is like £6.

Is it really worth only committing to the lowest price to be tight about £5 when it costs £215-£300 in the UK and your saving well over £100?
it would be nice to be able to try those pads before buying as £76 (for the two) is a bit steep for experimenting. I'm thinking the pads would be overkill on my bass port modded K702's.
I think they only produce their flagship cards in Austria now, the 812, 712 and 702 Annie are all MIA while the new 702 is definitely MIC as it says so on the sticker. Quality seems to be fine though and when you consider pretty much every piece of electronics you can point a finger at is MIC these days it's really no big deal.
My guess is that Q701's are MIC but who cares?
Yup all Qs are made in China now. My pair was made in China and they seem fine. AKG have always had a high level of QC. I'd prefer them to be made in Austria but it is what it is.
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There's some talk online about the newer Q701's being made in China rather than Austria - any thoughts on this?

It would certainly explain the lower asking price :)

Everything is made in china these days. Has nothing to do with it tbh. In fact your better off buying the stuff from china as you usually get better or similar quality for a fraction of the price.

TOPPING NX1 = £20 and it beats £60 Fiio E11

Has absolutely nothing to do with being tight.

Has reached the low price now anyway. Now we just have to play the waiting game.

Point was it would be stupid to miss out on such a bargain if you really wanted them for the sake of £5 when your already saving £100-£200 just because that's the price the initial buyers paid. I would have just bought one instead of committing to the lowest price. If enough people didn't join you would have missed out yet again.

I would have happily paid £5 more for them.
Point was it would be stupid to miss out on such a bargain if you really wanted them for the sake of £5 when your already saving £100-£200 just because that's the price the initial buyers paid. I would have just bought one instead of committing to the lowest price. If enough people didn't join you would have missed out yet again.

I would have happily paid £5 more for them.

Good for you.
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