Watch covenant again tonight, meh. Even the whole talk between David and Walter with Walter being more robot like was taken straight out of TNG where Lore says that he was too human and it unsettled people so Data was created to be more robot like, pretty much the same dialogue in this.
Its funny just how fast the Aliens grow in this movie, the back burster went from being the size of a puppy to the size of a rottweiler when it scurries outside the ship mere moments after being born. I know they're meant to grow fast but that was a bit ridiculous. Whistle and i'll come (spelling of come is left open to interpretation) and the whole "i'll do the fingering" part.
Some things just don't need to be explained, the Xenomorph could have and should have just been an Alien species, instead of shoehorning in this bs story of it being a psycho Androids personal engineering project.
Ironically this film was made in collaboration with Ridley Scotts production company "Scott Free Productions", which is what this franchise needs to get back on track, to be Free of Scott. He's had 3 cracks at Alien 1 good one and 2 very meh ones. Time to let someone else take it on and pretend these 2 turds never happened.
Actually that wasnt the engineers, the world was far too basic it seems or maybe thats the films fault. It was an alternate world that knew of the engineers but werent that elite, I think. Its getting a bit old, this ambush the clueless plebs.
After having watched it again tonight its pretty obvious these were the Engineers, they looked exactly the same, had the same large head sculptures everywhere etc. If these somehow weren't the engineers then it makes no sense as to why they would look identical, (same robes at the engineers at the start of Prometheus) and the planet just happening to have a docking port for the ship, it also had the opening hole in the ground for the ship to land into like Prometheus, which was seen opening just before the black stuff got dumped out.
Also, theres this:
In the blu-ray special features, there is a short film in which David documents what happened in between Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. In it he states that he killed off the Engineers as a 'gift' to Elizabeth, in order to cleanse the planet