Alien: Isolation...

I was at EGX at Earl's court at the weekend and got a chance to play it for ten minutes. They'd set up a survival mode thing where you had to get from A to B in the shortest time possible without dying.

The winner got a jacket of some description, anyway, it was on Xbox 1 and PS4 (too much hassle lugging PCs there apparently).

So, I hate fps with a joypad, i'm awful with one and spend more time looking at the ceiling than anything else but I came away impressed enough to want to get it. It looked great and I could see it being very enjoyable with KB and Mouse.

Oh, I didn't come close to winning the jacket as I spent too long cowering in a cupboard.

Please return your man card immediately :D
Surely, if your an Alien fan and the game re-creates the sheer horror and tension the original film gave us (I speak for the old gits like me :p ) it's going to be worth £15-20.

I have no doubt it won't retain the horror and fear after you've played through the story but at least there are speed runs and different modes.

I reckon your just chicken you big noob :D

For me the blip - blip of the motion tracker by itself is enough to give me a nerdgasm.

I even enjoyed Colonial Marines so i know ill love this :D just a Aliens nerd through and through
Yes I'm chicken, I played outlast and found it boring, pneumbria boring. Nothing yet has scared me and neither did the EGX gameplay trial :)

Really? your an internet tough guy now ? :rolleyes:

For me the blip - blip of the motion tracker by itself is enough to give me a nerdgasm.

I even enjoyed Colonial Marines so i know ill love this :D just a Aliens nerd through and through

Yeah that blip is iconic, so simple yet so pant filing :p Enjoying Colonial Marines is just hardcore, I wish I could play through it but I can't get drunk enough.
For me the blip - blip of the motion tracker by itself is enough to give me a nerdgasm.

I even enjoyed Colonial Marines so i know ill love this :D just a Aliens nerd through and through

ACM was poor at launch, but patched its not bad. The stasis interupted is by far the superior game though with a better storyline too.

I've got high hopes for this game so I hope I won't be disappointed. Just wish it came out a few days later as I move on the 8th so won't get to play it for a while!
I am a bit disappointed that there are scripted player events, like I have seen in some clips. The one where Amanda is walking on a board bridge and it breaks and she falls down the shaft. Nothing to do except accept the situation. Can not jump or turn back
It appears to me on every single teaser i've watched that essentially as soon as the Alien has even glimpsed you a tiny bit, you're screwed.

Also on these teasers vids the player seems to be playing quite dumb to ensure they get killed for the promo's. I've noticed a lot of the time they put themselves out in the open whereas the rest of us would be cowering in a pile of our own exfrement.
Same here. I also love the retro-80's-look technology in the game, looks like it matches the film perfectly.

That's because everything in the game is from the film. A few tweaks to new weapons and whatnot but nothing you would not expect to see in the film if they were to feature as well. CA had full access to the film studio's digital archive from the original film for sounds, music, textures and all that kind of stuff. Several TBs worth IIRC as mentioned in an early article.
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