Hunt Showdown, Arena Breakout Infnite, Tarkov, iRacing, ACC
Literally every single game i've tried. Framerates are in the 100's as well.
You need to understand what causes flicker, and then it's easy to avoid...
Flicker happens when you're getting sweeping changes in FPS. If you have unlocked FPS you'll get FPS going from 100 up to 240 multiple times per second. If the majority of the time, your FPS is about 140 (for example), you should limit your FPS to 140 in that game. This will cut out all the VRR flicker you're getting with the frame rate jumping around everywhere. Personally I don't play twitch shooters which benefit from 240hz refresh rate, so I limit my FPS to around 144 in most of my games and I'm not experiencing any VRR flicker outside of menu's. In games I want to run faster than that I'll see what my average FPS is, then I'll set that as the limit. Again, no VRR flicker.