Do we know how much it costs if you go over on bt? waste of £72 if dont go over much.
£0.10/MB. Page 86 of this PDF -->
Just been looking at getting a new phone, so phoned Three up to get my PAC to allow me to change quickly.
Was offered:
4gb data, unlimited everything else (12 month contract) - £9/mo
8gb data, unlimited everything else (1 month contract) - £13/mo
30gb data, unlimited everything else (12 month contract) - £20/mo
Still deciding what I want to do now!!
Argh, I would have taken that 8GB deal had the douchebag I spoke to yesterday offered it to me.
Maybe I should call back since I haven't used my PAC code yet.
If you've requested your PAC code give it a few days as they may call you about it.. took them 3-4 days to call me and it was then i got the 8gb for £13 deal
just got my letter
I LOVE my Note 3 - the size bothered me for a week
I'd never go smaller now