Almost Titanic 2

Captain has just costs his company $95 million, ouch

I dont know where they got that figure from.

You can only just by a decent sized private yacht for that much, that things got to be worth at least 3 or 4 times that if its a write off.

Edit, yes the boat is worth $600 million.

With claims and damages I shouldnt think they will see much change from a billion dollars.
It's gross neglegence and sheer lack of compassion for other human beings. People are looking up to your superior judgement and rationality in a hectic situation, to hop off the boat and shout "Stay if you want" is just beyond all sense of responsibility.

To be fair, leaving your ship after giving the abandon ship command so you can spear head the rescue operations isn't really the same as jumping in a lifeboat and buggering off.

How would they re float it ?

Good question. Refloating stranded ships - even cruise liners, has been done before - while in the upright position. But since she is resting on her side, I'm not sure how this can be achieved.
police and inhabitants of Giglio Island confirm that cruise ships used to passed very near to the coast. Reason is to show better the beauty of the Island ( night lights ) and a way to say goodbye between passengers and inhabitants of the island. In some cases ships even sound the sirens...this manuever is absolutely forbidden, anyway captain can decide to switch off the autopilot and temporarily change the official route. This time too near.....
I wonder how much of this will backlash on the Italian economy...? I'm sure they could have done without this right now!
Good question. Refloating stranded ships - even cruise liners, has been done before - while in the upright position. But since she is resting on her side, I'm not sure how this can be achieved.

The US Navy re-floated battle ships on the sea bed at pearl harbour...
If they manage to block all water ingress points and pump it out it will right itself. However the starboard side is now sitting on a rock shelf, so probably has multiple holes on that side as well. It is very calm at the moment, but if the waves pick up it will start breaking up quickly. Luckily the Mediterranean is not tidal or this would have already started.
The sea bed slopes away rapidly from where it is lying, so there is a very real danger it will slide down into the deep.
Looking at the stuff on the bbc website it shows the course the cruise took on January 6th, and then the course took the other day.

It seems the captain took the ship ofcourse by a long long way, for some reason.

So he'll get crucifixed for this and rightly so.....
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