Amazon Fire TV

When I had a traditional HTPC, before the AFTV, I used a wireless keyboard and it was great for what you describe. I was fortunate to find that the FTV supported the USB wireless dongle and thus the keyboard, with a mouse type pad, also works well. It supplements the rather inadequate remote.
Others have found that some MCE remotes will work but I didn't have any luck with mine.
Just to update you then....

As noted with SPMC I have had zero problems with the icon.

When I used Kodi I had to do the llama trick etc to get an icon.

After doing what I did with SPMC I removed Kodi and llama and have just used SPMC.

I side loaded Astro file manager and ES file manager, after "buying" them for free at the Amazon store and their icon showed up fine.

This is the interesting bit....

I then decided to install the latest 14.2 beta Kodi (it will install completely separate to SPMC, after now seeing it in the App store at Amazon. The App was "bought" and the Kodi was side loaded.

The result - NO icon at all.

Nothing that I did would get the icon....!!!!

So I then de-registered the AFTV from Amazon. I then re-registered it and then synchronised the apps.

Then voilà the Kodi icon turned up on the recent tab along with the others noted...!!!

Just thought that I would mention the above in case it would be helpful to you....?

Is this the proper Kodi icon (without Llama)?

I just need to DL the app on my PC through amazon store then de-register / re-register my FTV for it to show up properly too?

What happens if it were to be lost from the recent? Does it show up anywhere else?
Yes it is. Nothing else required for Kodi or SPMC.

Read my last few posts on how it is sideloaded (14.2 beta 1 in my case) and then the rest of the procedure as noted.

Not done this but I assume that when you next launch it then it will be there again in recent app list, as that list represents the last used apps. IIRC as it is then a recognised app it is also in your App section - I will check after the film finishes.
Yeah Vimes, when you say de-register is this from within the AFTV itself or the Amazon website?
On the AFTV it says something about you losing everything.
On the AFTV itself. I too saw that warning and it put me off for ages in trying it out.

Eventually I did it and as long as you sign back in with the same account details then everything is there.
I just got Kodi displayed as an app using the method described above however all I had to do was:
- Go to Kodi on the Amazon app store on my PC
- Use the 1-click to "purchase"
- Go to settings on my FTV
- Sync with account (I did this 3 or 4 times just to be sure)

When I returned to the home screen, Kodi had appeared.
Note: I had Kodi installed already so assume this removed the need to sideload etc. I don;t think that syncing would have installed it but I may be wrong.
That was easy peasy
Re-Boot (don't know if that was necessary)
SPMC was my first icon :)

Also helps with the Fire TV Remote on my phone which I've just put to good use on the EZ Usenet App that I sideloaded.
Very happy.
Does anyone know of an app that would let me use my Android phone as a bluetooth/wifi keyboard paired to my AFTV? The official app is fine except the keyboard doesn't work in 3rd party apps like Iplayer and Youtube.

Bah, I've just noticed the sticking point with this!

It doesn't come with a voice remote! £25 to buy separately making it £60 to match all the features of the full Amazon Fire TV - only £7 less when you find it on sale (which it is pretty much is every month)

Hum, not sure if I'd recommend this to my parents without the voice search...
Bah, I've just noticed the sticking point with this!

It doesn't come with a voice remote! £25 to buy separately making it £60 to match all the features of the full Amazon Fire TV - only £7 less when you find it on sale (which it is pretty much is every month)

Hum, not sure if I'd recommend this to my parents without the voice search...

you can use voice control on your mobile with a free app
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