Amazon Supermarkets

As usual crap idea but the kiddiwinks will love it.

Why is it a 'crap' idea exactly?

Why wouldn't anyone want to walk in, grab items and walk straight out again. Why would people want to queue up if that whole process can be removed from the shopping experience?
and you walk out like a shoplifter.

Probably get the same feeling as when you 'mask up' before entering a shop, or even better a bank.

So what if you have an Amazon account and, like me, you don't keep a payment option stored and then you just throw that account away after grabbing a load of shopping. Then create a new one the next time you want some free shopping?.
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Probably get the same feeling as when you 'mask up' before entering a shop, or even better a bank.

So what if you have an Amazon account and, like me, you don't keep a payment option stored and then you just throw that account away after grabbing a load of shopping. Then create a new one the next time you want some free shopping?.
Have you ever bought petrol from a forecourt before you numpty?
dLockers reminds me of Psycho Sonny, but with twice the attitude and ten times the amount of spare time. :D

Back on topic, I've used these stores in the US a few times (called Amazon Go there rather than Amazon Fresh). It's reaalllly quick, and ideal for grabbing breakfast or lunch. I used to have competitions with colleagues on who could get their lunch fastest (three items like a salad/sandwich, a 'side' and a drink) and I managed to be in and out in in under 11 seconds the last time but I reckon I could do it in half that if I knew what I wanted first:

dLockers reminds me of Psycho Sonny, but with twice the attitude and ten times the amount of spare time. :D

Back on topic, I've used these stores in the US a few times (called Amazon Go there rather than Amazon Fresh). It's reaalllly quick, and ideal for grabbing breakfast or lunch. I used to have competitions with colleagues on who could get their lunch fastest (three items like a salad/sandwich, a 'side' and a drink) and I managed to be in and out in in under 11 seconds the last time but I reckon I could do it in half that if I knew what I wanted first:

That’s a lot of money for a lunch!
That's expensive

But wouldn't put it past amazon to make it a success and pummel the existing big 4

Time will tell.
I mean how many people saw amazon becoming this backwhen it just did books
What's stopping people logging into someone else's account on a mobile and using it.

The whole point of it is to gather as much information as possible about as many people as possible in order to obtain power and profit from it. It's like criminals owning legitimate businesses in that respect - the main point isn't the business itself, it's what it can be used for. Money laundering for the criminals, spying in this case. So there's no chance of using someone else's account - the business will know exactly who you are. And exactly where you've been (because your phone tracks you). And what you've said within range of any Alexa device. And everything you've looked at in the shop and how long you looked at it for and if you touched it and if your hand moved towards it at all and if so by how much. And much more besides. They will know more than enough about you to identify you. The only spying they're even claiming they're not doing yet is facial recognition. Presumably they'll either quietly add that a bit later or they think it's not necessary because they're already gathering more than enough information to identify each individual more effectively than facial recognition would.

It's too good for controlling people to pass up and it can be spun as a benefit to the targets because they can shop slightly quicker. And many people will lap that up because they're already used to being under surveillance and being manipulated by organisations using the data gathered on them.
They may open a few stores around the country, mainly the centre of London, but they’ll end up selling the technology to major supermarkets for a fortune. They have arrived too late at the party to challenge the big supermarkets.

Selling what technology? Being able to scan your food as you go along has already been in UK supermarkets for two decades.
You obviously don’t know how the Amazon stores work

Walk around with your basket or trolly, scan stuff with your phone using whatever app they put out, then walk out. Your account is then debited.

Not much different to Waitrose or the Tesco system of many years ago, except you use a phone rather than their hand held reader.
The only time you use your phone is to gain entry. From then on you just take what you want and the cameras/sensors know exactly what you've taken, or put back (even if on a different shelf).

It's nothing like self scan.
The only time you use your phone is to gain entry. From then on you just take what you want and the cameras/sensors know exactly what you've taken, or put back (even if on a different shelf).

It's nothing like self scan.
what if someone puts the wrong item on a shelf then someone picks it up? what price do they have the real or new location price?

does everyone really want to be surrounded by sensors and cameras when there shopping anyway?
Walk around with your basket or trolly, scan stuff with your phone using whatever app they put out, then walk out. Your account is then debited.

Not much different to Waitrose or the Tesco system of many years ago, except you use a phone rather than their hand held reader.

Nope. You don't scan the items.
what if someone puts the wrong item on a shelf then someone picks it up? what price do they have the real or new location price?

The item price. There are so many sensors of various types that the system recognises each item regardless of where it is. Also, of course, each person who enters the shop. Or walks past it.

The item price could be changed to be different depending on who was holding it and whose bag it was put into. Say, for example, Amazon decided to charge "white" people higher prices in order to pander to popular racism. That would be easy for them to do. Or if they wanted to vary prices by person as part of manipulating customers they could do that too, changing the price on a person by person basis. For example, if Amazon was pushing you, specifically you personally, into something they could make the prices for products relevant to it cheaper for you.

does everyone really want to be surrounded by sensors and cameras when there shopping anyway?

Apparently the great majority of people either don't care or welcome it because they won't have to queue. The cost doesn't matter as long as they don't have to queue after buying whatever they chose. Or whatever Amazon has pushed them into choosing.
Of course the cost matters. I've not been to the UK one, but the cost was about the same in the US city ones compared to a 'normal' US supermarket/deli in the areas I've been to.
Was just thinking that it would be ironic if CV were largely still about and you had to queue to go in.

Moving stuff around on shelves might be a bit of pita for them with the soon to be anti Amazon protestors.
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