Nvidia were in OG Xbox and PS3. Then MS and Sony vowed never to work with them again. Now they are also in the Switch.
Only reason NVIDIA were in the PS3 was Sony DRASTICALLY overrated what the CELL CPU was capable of. Originally the CELL was gonna be handling CPU tasks as well as gpu and audio. Then the crack wore off and they had to go running to NVIDIA late in the game to get a modified geforce 7000 series.
If you believed the Sony hype CELL was the be all end all, but it never even remotely worked out that way due to being a nightmare to code for. Very few games ever really made use of the systems potential. Naughty Dog and the Uncharted games were one of the few devs\franchises that did get to grips with it and showed what it could do.
Afaik it was only MS that basically swore never to work with NVIDIA again as they refused to budge on pricing, don't think Sony really has any beef with them