I didn't say that AMD did not do this. I fully expect it from both sides. I'm saying that the difference to gameplay that they say gsync will bring seems exaggerated. I've worked for companies which have been payed by both parties to ensure their side comes out on top.
I think some people need to look at how their post comes across before hitting the "submit reply" button. It really kills constructive discussion.
What are the overheads? I don't really record due to having a poor internet connection (changed last week to fiber though!). So is there a significant difference? What are we talking here, 10 fps?
I've just watched the video, and that point has now been made clear. I was under the impression that mantle would be the go to for both consoles, clearly not. Now it seems like another gimmick to me.
So what's the big deal about gsync then? Just the fact that gameplay should "seem" smoother?
Yep, if anything that will be its downfall. Devs don't want to waste time on unnessecary features. It should be about making it easier for the devs.
I still think AMD has the overall advantage. I mean, who is going to care about shadowplay if they don't stream, who is going to care about gsync if they don't have the issue?
I was thinking along the same lines suarez, mantle offers raw performance gains (with work) it seems like the better gimmick.