I dont have a 295x2, so sorry for party crashing, but I have a question for the 295x2 owner, so where better to ask?
Is a 295x2 capable of driving ANY game (including AAA++++++ games) @ 4k if your willing to settle for say medium settings and 40fps. Or are we not there yet? Lets presume atleast BASIC crossfire support, not games that dont reconise the 2nd GPU at all.
Games that do support CF, you will get more at higher settings.
But all depends the games.
Crysis (all 4 of them) are superb. Tomb Raider, BF4, Elite, Thief, Beyond Earth, War Thunder to name a few.
Basically all well written game more or less.
But if you try to play Rome 2, TESO, SWTOR, World of Tanks, it all depends
TESO you can have areas with 120 fps, and areas with 30 fps. For no particular reason.
WOT doesn't support CF and runs on 1 CPU core. So depends how strong you are there.
SWTOR same applies as above.
Rome 2, i surrender...... One day you play at 60fps + the next day at 25. And you cannot understand what's wrong.
PLEASE NOTE. Same issues applied to the above games when I had my single GTX780, not only with the 295X2.