Noticed my vcore voltage is going a bit lower than most here which is probably why my temps are quite low for an air cooler. I get a pretty steady 1.188 gaming wise and goes down to 1.169 under full load. Idle temps are between 29-33, gaming is low 50's to mid 60's depending on CPU load and Cinebench was a max of 75. Did initially have a play around with LLC but that was more of a detriment over using PBO2 Tunner so put it back to auto.
While it goes against my tinkering nature, as what Jamin says above, best results I've had with my system is leaving everything bar XMP set to auto in bios. That's on an MSI board (did play around with Kombo Strike but was mixed at best for me and my cooling solution).
While it goes against my tinkering nature, as what Jamin says above, best results I've had with my system is leaving everything bar XMP set to auto in bios. That's on an MSI board (did play around with Kombo Strike but was mixed at best for me and my cooling solution).