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AMD To Launch RV770 On June 18th

2.0x faster would be 2x faster (a 100% increase in speed). 1.25x faster would make it .25 faster, a 25% increase in speed. It's no different in principle to saying 1.25x greater.
No 1.25 faster means it is 125% faster which means it is 225% as fast. It's a common mistake people make with grammer.

To put it another way, if I said something is 0.0 faster, i.e. 0% faster, that means it is the same speed, hence 1.0 faster, i.e. 100% faster, must mean it is twice as fast! :p
2.0x faster would be 2x faster (a 100% increase in speed). 1.25x faster would make it .25 faster, a 25% increase in speed. It's no different in principle to saying 1.25x greater.

Something that is 1.0x faster is something that is twice as fast as the other item. i.e. it has 100% more performance than the other item.

bruv, 1.25 x 100 = 125

You've disregarded the word "faster". Your calculation is mathematically correct, just not really correctly applied to the language used.
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shaffaaf27, I'm not disputing that, what i'm saying is that "1.25 faster" is not the same as "1.25 as fast". Maybe I'm just being pedantic, but it is still a grammatical mistake.
read what i posted above they calculate only steam processing power so if 4870 has 1.25 more steam processors id does not mean it only be 1.25 faster as u have to consider other things
Yeah, I agree with you there on this occasion, but in general it can cause a lot of confusion (as I once found out, lol).

Agreed as well, my point was originally only intended to give people a giggle, apparently it wasn't as clear cut as I thought, and turned out not to be that funny either :P.

so when will the 1st bench marks start doing the rounds?

Also interested in that, when is the NDA lifted? Google only talks about a January NDA on the specs.
Too much to hope for it being adequate for Crysis then?

Pretty much, although of course it depends on what resolution and settings you want to use, together with your perception of a decent framerate.

Personally I'm waiting for something offering 8800u-SLI performance or better in a single card solution before getting Crysis.
In mid June, AMD will launch another new series of graphics cards. These new series HD 4800 series will have more muscle to challenge the NVIDIA GeForce cards.

It is said that the HD 4850 is 20% faster than the 8800GT and HD 4870 is 20% faster than the 9800GTX.

As we all know, GeForce 9800GTX is only 10% faster than the 8800GT. We are able to get a clearer picture of the performance of these 4 cards as shown in the diagram below.

In 3DMARK06, Radeon HD 4870 will be 32% faster than 8800GT, 22% faster than 9800GTX and 12% faster than 4850.

AS for 4850, it will be 20% faster than 8800GT and 10% faster than the 9800GTX.


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