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AMD To Launch RV770 On June 18th

Dont trust that benchy its obviously shopped and faked.

It also doesn't give actual 3Dmarks, just some silly number derived from them (percentage, I'm aware), doesn't give information about the rest of the system specifications and basically means sod all. It could actually be 120 3Dmarks because they ran it on a system with a grossly underclocked Pentium 4 or something!

That and it's 3Dmark, who cares?
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i dont know why ati will make 4870 512 mb memory as we need 1 gig and 4870x2 with 2 gig ddr5. as some games at high ress need mroe then 512 these days and as i read before somewhere they said that 4870 will be 1 gig why they saying its 512 mb now confusing lack of ddr5 ram ? :confused:
i dont know why ati will make 4870 512 mb memory as we need 1 gig and 4870x2 with 2 gig ddr5. as some games at high ress need mroe then 512 these days and as i read before somewhere they said that 4870 will be 1 gig why they saying its 512 mb now confusing lack of ddr5 ram ? :confused:

512MB is more than enough for many gamers who game at lower than 1600*1200 resolution, and it's intended to be a VALUE part. 1GB of RAM in the lower models would drive prices up massively, and push it up out of its value segment.
The burning question for me is whether these will xfire with the older 3*** series of cards?

I've always thought that if either of the graphics companies could come up with a feesible method of crossfiring a new generation card (eg 4870) with an older card (eg 2900 or even 1900) they'd make a killing as it would give greater incentive to stick with one particular company.

The only way I could think of this working is if they could offload physics caluculations, or other processes which could be performed, onto the older card and leave the newer card to do all the rendering.

I suppose the practicality of this would just make it too difficult to implement.
read what i posted above they calculate only steam processing power so if 4870 has 1.25 more steam processors id does not mean it only be 1.25 faster as u have to consider other things

It has 1.5x stream processors, not 1.25. Wouldn't that instantly give it a 50% boost over RV670? Then you've got the bus increase, RAM, clock increase, and shader clock increase. If these specs are true, 25% performance increase over G92 isn't that good at all.:confused:
It has 1.5x stream processors, not 1.25. Wouldn't that instantly give it a 50% boost over RV670? Then you've got the bus increase, RAM, clock increase, and shader clock increase. If these specs are true, 25% performance increase over G92 isn't that good at all.:confused:

If thats the case, then they won't be much faster than the 8800 GTX or Ultra then, as both of those are faster than the 9800 GTX.
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