I think Ill skipp all of this loot and just wait for This is like what 3rd try to get this agesa working ?? was standard then fixed now fixed fixedand still not 100% fixedI had that problem with ABB today, AB works fine on my board.
When im looking at @Illuminist and @opethdisciple situation... One is on Gigabyte motherboard with ABB that i know from persona XP it is PAIN to work with PAINN Could not get my settings from Crosshair VII working on it on my spare build. Ram settings that I posted and ware passing 30 000% ram test no problem.. Would not even boot no matter what !!! But could eb due to crappy 3600 so i went with that one. but hes on 3900x like me and was better on x470 motherboard !!
Then problems on Asus motherboard with 3700x that SHOULD be better than crappy 3600 with good ram kit. But I think in this case its user error I bet I could get @opethdisciple rig u and runnign stable by going full on manual mode in 1 day.
Like common I have not even done fresh windows install just took 2700x slammed 3900x set my power section same as on 2700x. And....
but as I said i went manual from day 1. I noticed that soem memory timings CHANGE on auto every now and then when you reboot the pc... Gtrat stuff when 1 timing sometimes is 9 other times is 8 and lets say mem cant do 8 so if it boots with 8 you will crash you reboot boots with 9 its stable so ye there is that
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