How many people do cpu based 2d/3d rendering at home on their personal PC?
cinebench is popular with youtubers as it showcases the tech they reviewing, in addition they over emphasise the importance of rendering given they all have to render their own videos for their jobs. Meanwhile things like office apps, browsers etc. haven't changed a whole lot over the years which is why passmark still has relevance. Also passmark is not a single core only test, it mixes it up, and it has had updates the latest update to it is not 10 years old.
If you sitting there thinking the likes of paint, word, notepad, explorer, and so on are multi threaded apps then you wrong sorry to say. Even media players like vlc are single threaded for the most part.
cinebench is far from a real world representation of performance, the impact of htt alone on it takes it away from the real world as on average in the real world htt is a 10% performance boost at best not the 40-50% or so you see in cinebench.
Had a good chuckle at this,so thanks for that.
The fact is those apps listed don't need to be multithreaded, anything that realisticly needed more ooomph has been and will continue to be multithreaded. Anyone that touts single core performance to still be king needs to re evaluate the climate now and going forward. It is still good to have that but as said above sub system performance is now at a point where it matters more, I/O access times for example.
On nvme I can't tell the difference between my partners 8700K and my 2700 be that watching 4K content in VLC / MPC, or using windows derived applications.