I mentioned it to him along with Ryzen master and the videos online, chap doesn't wanna touch it yet.
As for WoW, it's gotten quite hard on systems; it recently got DX12 support, which saw a nice 20-25% increase in performance for CPU limited areas; but the old engine and trying to cram in physics, massive particle effects, HBAO, newer shadow tech and more can even make top end cards bugger out.
It's still mostly a 1-2 CPU core demanding game, but with the latest updates can leverage more, but still very old and efficient tech; so you just brute force it with modern over the top specs to try and keep 60FPS in raids
Before the updates in raids, and 40v40 pvp brawls the FPS in my system with 5820K and 980Tis would drop to 10-20fps ( shown in top right corner under minimap ).