All this talk of overclocking has got me struggling to remember when, if ever, AMD released a CPU with much if any overclocking headroom? I had Athlon 64 Venice, Barton and Thunderbird chips as well as an FX51 and none could ever overclock to be worth mentioning from what I recall. Contrast that to the 8600 Wolfdale, Nehalem i7920, Sandybridge, Haswell's the list of seriously overclockable Intel CPUs is endless. The same applies to a limited extent with Nvidia vs AMD and GPUs. AMD products always seem at or very close to their limit straight out of the box.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this has to me always added a bit or even a lot of 'value' to Intel's CPUs as you knew there was a fair chance of being able to get some extra performance for 'free' with a bit of tinkering.
Are AMD really going to start offering up something they never have in the past? It just seems to me to be wishful thinking to expect of even hope for much if any overclocking headroom at all with Ryzen 3000. I'm hoping to be wrong but I remember 'overclockers dream' and 'poor volta' statements which turned out to be the opposite of reality. I'm not expecting even with exotic cooling to see much more than 5% extra performance to be available and I doubt it will even be that high.