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AMD Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000) - *** NO COMPETITOR HINTING ***

@Vince Nothing STOCK XFR CAN FRY CPU !!!! We had Few of those this is most rescent. Had few on 1800x also.


It was the CPU definitevly. After replacing it all my issues went away. Seems like the past 2-3 (2xxx series) bios updates and subsequent AMD chipset updates damaged my CPU. My guess is PBO, XFR, and overdrive.

I had everything on default with an auto offset on Vcore, was running PE level 3 until these issues started. Maybe the new bios updates gave my CPU too much voltage when it was boosting my clocks? In any case happy to be back up and running.
Haven't there been cases of some Asus boards also frying Intel CPUs?
That and mobo prices are too much.

That's a weird statement coming from someone who bought a $249 Gigabtye Z370 Gaming 7 board, there are X570 boards priced well below that.

Unless they are deliberately changing it either to hide something or fall more inline with how Intel now market their chips. Didn't they recently change the way that they market or even don't market boost clocks? I personally think something in this picture is missing, I may be wrong but it's not fully adding up for me. I hear the silicon quality argument but am not sure I am fully on board with that one.

I don't believe for on minute that AMD trust the motherboard vendors enough not to sample chips that are locked either via microcode, or limitations implemented at a hardware level. There is just far too much risk for them that they will be passing 'intel' back to Intel (:p) about the performance. Obviously Intel also know this so when they are being told we have 12/16 core models that are doing 4.2+GHz in the 95-105w range they know there will be headroom in them, there is also no doubt that they have people on the payroll at TSMC etc feeding them information about the CPU's and the process.

There is every chance than AMD actually have the upper hand with headroom, and the distraction that is the 9900KS is exactly that, big(ish) numbers to distract from something Intel will simply not be able to counter, they obviously have the 10c CPU due in Q4 this year, but is already beaten if they can't get it to 4.8GHz+ on at least 6 of the cores in a package power that is reasonably acceptable for current Z390 boards.

I know thats why I need more single core performance as a Wow player. Could have 16 core TR with 64gb ram... Wow would still run like crap !!

I've not played in a good while, but going back for Classic which I am greatly looking forward too as that is the part of the game I enjoyed the most. On the subject of performance, my firned who loves the game/lore etc. said that they implemented much better threading in one of the recent patches and he can now play it well on his 4770S/1070Ti at 3440x1440 (120Hz), where as prior to that he was struggling to max out the GPU at all. I'll have to go and have a look since that sounds much better than it used to be.
I've not played in a good while, but going back for Classic which I am greatly looking forward too as that is the part of the game I enjoyed the most. On the subject of performance, my firned who loves the game/lore etc. said that they implemented much better threading in one of the recent patches and he can now play it well on his 4770S/1070Ti at 3440x1440 (120Hz), where as prior to that he was struggling to max out the GPU at all. I'll have to go and have a look since that sounds much better than it used to be.

They brought in DX12, and did a good job, people saw an average of 20% performance increase.

Classic should run like a dream with those optimisations and still using the old graphics models. For once the weather effects of it won't kill performance ( Classic weather was far better than even current BFA expansion ).
What's the big hulking lump of plastic above the IO panel on all these new mobos?

I find it extremely ugly.

Actually a lot of those boards are just tacky imho with their "bling" and crap. It's a freaking PCB. When did that become a fashion accessory.
That's great. We can watch a review and not understand a word of it :D

Unless you're a Spanish speaker :p

Wonder if this is sanctioned by AMD... or an NDA breach for those precious views and clicks.
Ryzen 3600 3 Cores Per CCX

I freaking knew it... There was no chance that yeld was this this high that they ware getting 6+ working cores on 8 core chiplets. so im back to 3700x vs 3800x theory of 2 chiplets on one of them !!!!
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[EXCLUSIVE] YouTube channel Hardware360 will be benchmarking R5 3600 LIVE this Saturday @ 4PM GMT

3600 vs 8700K

cant speak spanish all i want to see is aida memory test with something like 3200cl14 especially after the CCX news....

and its busted :
Hardware 360 here, we don't want to create false expectations. Some clarifications about the streaming: We do NOT have a Ryzen 5 3600. What we have are some benchmarks of a Ryzen 5 3600 from the Computex. That is, we were able (actually it was Michael Quesada the same guy that published the first benchmarks of the Radeon VII) to run some benchmarks in a Ryzen 5 3600. We will show that benchmarks and then we will run the same benchmarks on an i7 8700K at different frequencies to compare it with the Ryzen CPU. Among the results that we are going to show there are some that show the single core performance of the Ryzen 5 3600 compared to the i7 8700K.
cant speak spanish all i want to see is aida memory test with something like 3200cl14 especially after the CCX news....

and its busted :
Hardware 360 here, we don't want to create false expectations. Some clarifications about the streaming: We do NOT have a Ryzen 5 3600. What we have are some benchmarks of a Ryzen 5 3600 from the Computex. That is, we were able (actually it was Michael Quesada the same guy that published the first benchmarks of the Radeon VII) to run some benchmarks in a Ryzen 5 3600. We will show that benchmarks and then we will run the same benchmarks on an i7 8700K at different frequencies to compare it with the Ryzen CPU. Among the results that we are going to show there are some that show the single core performance of the Ryzen 5 3600 compared to the i7 8700K.

Bunch of click bate jokers
Bunch of click bate jokers

besides do i read this right ??
chiplet has TWO CCX on it ... dont mix the terms, one 8 core chiplet = 2 CCX, 3 cores per CCX means ONE chiplet with one core in each of the two CCX disabled ...

1 chiplet + 1 I/O die in 8 core cpu = 2ccx ??
2 chiplets + I/O die in 12 core = 4ccx ??
Its scarry possible as... This would provide better yelds....
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Well I’m waiting for the 16C, whenever that comes out, and had sort of resigned myself to needing a new mobo.

However, Gigabyte recently released a new BIOS so I thought I’d give it a go and see what the changes were. Couldn’t spot anything TBH, but it apparently supports the next Ryzen CPU’s. One thing I did discover though was that it broke the SOC voltage control and no matter what I tried I couldn’t run my RAM at anything other than stock 2400Mhz. WTF Gigabyte. SOC offsets completely stopped working.

Spent 4 hours trying everything I could to get my RAM running as it was previously but to no avail. Reinstalled the older BIOS and I’m now immediately back in business.

Guess I will need an X570 after all but it sure as hell isn't going to be a Gigabyte mobo!
Ryzen 3600 3 Cores Per CCX

I freaking knew it... There was no chance that yeld was this this high that they ware getting 6+ working cores on 8 core chiplets. so im back to 3700x vs 3800x theory of 2 chiplets on one of them !!!!
Zen 2 chiplets contain 2 x 4 core CCXs. So the 2 x CCX with a single core disabled on each, is expected.
TL;DR Still using a single chiplet.
They wont have "hidden" or "sandbagged" overclocking performance. That's ridiculous. Why hide and loose performance they could ship with? You realise a very VERY small proportion of people actually overclock. and youtube benchmarks are always done at stock. They will ship with as much clockspeed as guarantees stability. I think Jim from Adored is really clutching at straws now.

Because overclocking goes beyond the TDP. The clocks given are for staying within TDP. This chip will do up to X boost, within tdp, this chip will do all cores full load, within tdp at this clock. Most Ryzen sold will go into laptops or prebuilt desktops and won't be overclocked. XFR and other modes that when pushed generally push up power usage, don't fit within such specs and aren't really what you talk about as stock running.

Intel do not, when announcing the launch of a chip, give the clocks capable of being hit when overclocked, they never have done, neither have AMD.

Specs, which is really all we have, won't include overclocking. Jim is full of crap, but that doesn't mean the chips don't or can't overclock at all, nor am I saying they certainly will, neither will have any bearing on what Jim has said. He made up a bunch of crap, claimed to be in the know, was wrong constantly (and has been for YEARS), and afterwards goes on the defensive... my sources were wrong but I think what they meant was..... and hopes to lessen the appearance he was wrong.

Even if they hit 5Ghz overclocked, that is nothing like what he was claiming so it's irrelevant. 5Ghz boost at 105W tdp on 12/16 core chips and 5Ghz on a 12core that costs way more than he said while seriously overclocked at a way higher TDP and no where near 'shipping' clocks are not the same thing.
I freaking knew it... There was no chance that yeld was this this high that they ware getting 6+ working cores on 8 core chiplets. so im back to 3700x vs 3800x theory of 2 chiplets on one of them !!!!

What? How do you think they are going to be shipping 64 core Rome without 8 cores working? Of course there will be chips with less cores working, why would they throw them out when they can use them?

THere is literally no way they could be advertising 64 core Rome if they weren't getting chips with all 8 cores working. Also, throughout the history of chip production, chips with less cores or features are often made out of fully working products to increase the range and pricing of products, this is how so many products over the past 20 odd years have been able to be unlocked. From graphics cards way back in in the Ati days that you could unlock all the pipelines, to dual core Phenoms that could be run as full 4 cores. For all we know some of the Zen products will be able to be unlocked with all cores fully working.
I still think AMD are playing a much smarter game this time. Changing pricing to match market conditions, selling at prices that reflect their performance vs the competition. I am starting to think there is a subsection of AMD loyalists that support them purely for cheap hardware and now they're not there's some bitterness. Some of which is being directed at those seen to have given false hope.

If like cheap high end gear but if the performance is truly there then asking the going price is fair and good business. I'll take a strong AMD over no competition every time. I'm also wondering if the 3800X is going to be t by overclocker out of the range. By that I mean performing a decent amount above the TDP range.
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