If Arma 3 is the ONLY game that AMD is weak at, then surely that suggests there's a "fundamental flaw" in Arma 3
Its the engine thats flawed, Bohemia Interactive made a game too complex for it, and now they're doing the same with DayZ lol
Arma 3 ran terrible on my 4.7Ghz 6700K when around multiple players on a server, the RV engine is crap, always has been and why DayZ is the guinea pig for Arma 4's next engine.. Enfusion.
Arma 3 should never be used as a benchmark either as it way too inconsistent.
HUB have the 8700K 13% faster than 2700X in one of their videos. Im sure Zen 2 is gona catch up in 2 weeks and close down that 13%, but its still a crap engine.
I just hope the Arma 4 devs have better luck running their game than the DayZ devs are having right now.
It isnt just about performance and FPS, Arma and DayZ have always been clunky glitchy bug ridden games, even getting stuck on a rock and dying is still a thing (in Arma).
Why anyone would choose a CPU just to run this crap is beyond me, i saw no difference from my old 6700K to my 2700X. Also, i wasnt seeing anymore loss in performance after switching to Ryzen, with all those Intel security patches.
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